
Bio: League Member Lissa Price

Name: Lissa Price

Title: Starters (Random House Children's Books, Delacorte, March 13, 2012) Short Plot: In a world ravaged by war and genocide, becoming someone else is now possible. Sixteen-year-old Callie discovers the Body Bank where teens rent their bodies to seniors who want to be young again. When her neurochip malfunctions, she wakes up in the mansion of her rich renter and finds she is dating a senator’s grandson. It’s a fairy-tale new life, until she discovers her renter’s deadly plan.

Favorite Dystopian Works: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, Across the Universe by Beth Revis, Wither by Lauren DeStefano, Legend by Marie Lu, Incarceron by Catherine Fisher

Why Write Dystopian? My favorites mentioned above inspired me to imagine what could happen in my future world. When I’m writing, I tend to start with a character who is put in an unusual concept, and that’s what I did for STARTERS. I took our world today and projected current trends, magnifying them to support the narrative.

But the reason I do this is to build a context to hold a story with the potential for the strongest emotions. I want the reader to experience a roller-coaster ride of surprise, hate, fear and love but in a way that feels fresh. At this point, the term dystopian seems too limiting. I prefer science-fiction or futuristic thriller.

Whimper or Bang? T.S. Elliot said: "This is the way the world ends / This is the way the world ends / This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper." So...which is it: does the world end with a whimper or a bang?

I’m too much of an optimist to accept anything less than transformation.
Online @

GoodReads: Lissa Price


Anonymous said...

Welcome! I'm really looking forward to Starters, it was my WOW post a couple weeks ago.

Angie Smibert said...

Welcome, Lissa!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Welcome Lissa. Looking forward to reading your book. It sounds awesome and unique.

Unknown said...

I cannot wait to read Starters!

Lissa Price said...

Hi everyone! I had an incredibly busy day yesterday doing a long Q and A for Random House as well as reviewing the script and storyboard for the book trailer they are producing. It's live action!

I also had to decide what ID to use to respond here.

But I want to say first, yes, Petra, you did that great post on STARTERS, thank you so much! Germany is doing such great things with this brand new YA imprint, IVI. Very exciting!

Lissa Price said...

Angie, thanks for the welcome and the tweet! I love the cover of your book, btw. I don't have the luxury of reading anymore, but yours is on my to-read list.

Lissa Price said...

Hi Natalie! I think you are an attorney who is also writing? One of my writing group is exactly in the same place. It gives you a great background, no matter what genre you end up in.

Thanks for saying such nice things about Starters!

Lissa Price said...

Hey, Gennifer, sistah Apocalypsie! I feel the same way about your upcoming Crewel! Thanks for stopping in.

slcard said...

This author is definitely an extraordinary writer! It's so nice to see her here. I've had the pleasure of reading the chapter sampler for STARTERS. What a fantastic work. A wonderful read. I've already ordered my copy of the novel so I can learn what happens to dear Callie!

Lissa Price said...

Hi slcard! Thanks so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it.

Megan said...

Clearly I will be constantly visiting this blog to see so many of my favorite authors in one place. Excited to see Lissa here. She is so great/nice/wonderful/beautiful!

Lissa Price said...

Aw, Megan, thank you so much. It is a mutual admiration society, I assure you! This is one of the perks of becoming an author that I didn't think of. that I get to meet wonderful people like you at events like the Mysterious Galaxy meet and greet. And what fun it was at the Diversity in YA panel, no? Nice memories.

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