
New Member: Susanne Winnacker

Name: Susanne Winnacker

YA dystopian title: THE OTHER LIFE (May 1st 2012 in the US, February 1st 2012 in the UK)

Short Plot:
3 years, 1 month, 1 week and 6 days since I’d seen daylight. One-fifth of my life. 98,409,602 seconds since the heavy, steel door had fallen shut and sealed us off from the world 

Sherry has lived with her family in a sealed bunker since things went wrong up above. But when they run out of food, Sherry and her dad must venture outside. There they find a world of devastation, desolation...and the Weepers: savage, mutant killers.

When Sherry's dad is snatched, she joins forces with gorgeous but troubled Joshua - an Avenger, determined to destroy the Weepers.

But can Sherry keep her family and Joshua safe, when his desire for vengeance threatens them all?

Favorite dystopian/sci fi works: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Divergent by Veronica Roth, Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve, The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

Why Write Dystopian?
Because, as crazy as it might sound, dystopian tales give us hope. In The Other Life, Sherry is faced with abandoned, Weeper-infested streets when she leaves the bunker her family spent the last three years in. She must overcome her fear, fight for her life, take care of her family but she grows with the challenge. Dystopia gives us hope because no matter how dark or twisted or inhumane the future is, our protagonists don’t give up. They get out of their adventures stronger. If Katniss can survive The Hunger Games, what are we capable of? Can we maybe get past the little obstacles daily life poses to each of us?

No matter how dark, dystopian fiction gives me hope in the strength that’s buried inside of each of us.

Whimper or a Bang? Bang.

Online @
Twitter:   @SusanneWrites
Facebook:  Susanne Winnacker


liljerk said...

This book sounds really interesting!! Too bad I don't live in the UK; but May will be soon enough! Congrats on being a new member :)

Angie Smibert said...

Welcome Susanne!

Alex said...

Hey there! I've been following you on Twitter for a while, so I'll get a double dose of you now! Obviously (otherwise I wouldn't follow) I find the idea for your book captivating.

Lissa Price said...

Welcome, Suzanne! Glad you mentioned Adoration of Jenna Fox, also another wonderful dystopian. Also, great point about how dystopians give us hope.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Two of the 10 members live in Germany - how crazy is that?

Britta said...

This sounds great, can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

Welcome! Looking forward to your posts.

Susanne Winnacker said...

Thanks for the welcome! I'm so excited about being part of the League!

Lissa Price said...

Lenore, do you two live close to each other in Germany?

Roseywinter said...

I just posted a comment somewhere else on this blog asking about you, and here you are! Lol.

I'm still new to this blog, so I didn't realize you were one of the authors that blogged here!

I'm glad that I found your social networking info/links & I'm excited to read your book!

- Esther

Jeanetta C Griffin said...

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