Holy Possession Prizes!

Okay, so we've been giving away book-related swag all week. Up today, some sweet (I think) stuff to go along with my YA dystopian, POSSESSION, coming out next June.

In the book, Vi doesn't want anyone telling her what to do. But she's caged, trapped, inside her society and all their rules.

Thus, the iconic butterfly frozen in ice cover image. So today, I'm giving away a keychain made by the lovely Christina Lee, complete with butterfly charm and icy blue bead. In addition to that, you'll get a couple of temporary tattoos that say "TAGGED," another nod toward the book, when Vi gets tagged with a barcode around her wrist. (I ordered them; they're not quite here yet. But click here and you can see what I mean. Yours will say TAGGED underneath.)

On top of that, I'll throw in some signed and watercolored bookmarks, and a bag of my favorite: Dove dark. (Okay, this has nothing to do with my book, but doesn't everyone need love chocolate?)

You must leave a comment on this post to win all this Possession-related stuff.

But that's not all, my feathered friends. All of us here at The League are also giving away a prize package of our books! To enter the grand prize drawing for all five books, fill out the form below, including a link to your post. You only need to fill out the form once this week (chances are, you've already done this) for the drawing. Winner will be announced on December 20th.


Britta said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway! Haha - yes, everyone NEEDS chocolate ;) Dark is my favorite! I love my advent calendar, cuz really, who doesn't like daily chocolate? But, I wish I could find a dark chocolate one....

Anyway, thanks again!


Snazel said...

Hm. And I thought my interest in the book was high BEFORE I heard about the bar codes.

Lisa Potts said...

What, no bacon?

Thanks for the chance to win!

Carol said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! =)


Mandy P.S. said...

Yay prizes!

Bwyatt said...

POSSESSION sounds like an awesome story. I can't wait for its release! Thanks for the opportunity for the swag!

Magan said...

Maybe it's a little early for me...it took me five minutes to realize how to comment on this post, ha...ha...ha. Except I would have thought that Elana would be giving away Bacon because I KNOW that is somehow a superfood.

Alicia Gregoire said...

Everyone needs chocolate. Especially Dove chocolate.

Unknown said...

Yummm...Awesome chocolate and awesome swag. :)

Ellz said...

Sounds like some great swag!!
I definitely need chocolate...daily.

Matthew MacNish said...

Oh man, I love Christina! I want that jewelry for my daughter.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm. Love dark chocolate, and am soooo excited for POSSESSION…

:) Kayla Olson

Liyana said...

Mmm, chocolate! :D Great giveaway!

Jennie Englund said...

Sounds great! Shared the contest at www.jennieenglund(dot)blogspot(dot)com!

Christina Lee said...

YAY! I was proud to make the key chain for you! And can't WAIT to read your book! xoxo

SandyG265 said...

Thanks for teh giveaway. I can never have too much dark chocolate.

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

A key chain from your book made by Christina Lee - what could be better? Pick me! Pick me!

sloanl29 (at) yahoo.com

Jill the OWL said...

I thought chocolate, like breathing, was needed for living!

Thanks for the giveaway.

themgowl at gmail.com

A.J. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I've never tried Dove chocolate, but I heard it was really good.


Tere Kirkland said...

Holy Possession prizes, indeed, Batman!

Awesome contest! How did you know I wanted chocolate and bookmarks? ;)

Becky B. @ Bibliognome said...

Thanks for the giveaway, I could really use some chocolate:)

Anonymous said...

Everyone definitely needs chocolate.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Janet Johnson said...

Can't wait to read your book. :)

danya said...

Ooooh nice keychain! And yes, like the rest have said...everyone needs chocolate. Especially us chocoholics :D

Thanks for the giveaway!


John Sankovich said...

Sounds like a good deal. Chocolate to keep my kids occupied while I write. Hand it over.

AmburHostyn said...

Oh chocolate...yum :)
...and boy am I ever a sucker for swag :)


Nicole Settle said...

Ooh I love the tattoos! How neat. Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I'm so looking forward to POSSESSIONS...and chocolate soothes the savage beast.

The Book Swarm

Margo Rowder said...

Awesome giveway! Please count me in. :)

Unknown said...


Rebecca T. said...

These contests are so fantastic! Thank you guys so much :D

Brooke said...

The keychain is absolutely beautiful!!! just like the cover! The butterfly in the ice? who thought of that, because its genius!

and those TATTS??? AWESOME! OOO ooo oo i hope i win!!! :)

thanks so much for the sweet giveaway!

letmesign3 (at) yahoo.com

Kelly aka yllektra(I Work For Books) said...

OMG Dark chocolate how awesome!!
Thanks so much for this giveaway! :)


Martha Lawson said...

Sounds like an awesome book! Please enter me for it.

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

J. Lea Lopez said...

Hooray for giveaways! Those bar code temp tattoos look awesome!

Christina said...

This whole contest is such fun! Thanks for the giveaways you all are hosting!

ChiKittie said...

Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. Sounds like fun! ^^

Kay said...

What? You're giving away chocolate instead of bacon? All right, I live on chocolate toward the end of the semester!

Paul Greci said...

Okay, count me in!!

Linda Henderson said...

Thank you for the great giveaway. I collect bookmarks so that would be great, and who doesn't love chocolate.

seriousreader at live dot com

Llehn said...

Yum ... chocolates :D


Jemi Fraser said...

Totally sweet prize!!! :)

Melissa Hurst said...

Of course we need chocolate;)

Liz said...

I loveee chocolate! It'd be nice to win those other things too :P

Holly said...

Awesome giveaway! Thank you!

Justine said...

Wooooot, I like these goods :)


throuthehaze said...

mmmmm chocolate!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Juliana Dias said...

Please enter me!

juiceb0xx at hotmail dot com

Caitlyn (Cait) said...

Yum, I love chocolate. I LOVE books! :o)

mariska said...

oh, i love to EAT this chocolate ! enter me in !

uniquas at ymail dot com

Jen Bigheart said...

Holy Possession is right! Can't wait to read! TGIF!

Jen @ I Read Banned Books


Donea Lee said...

Free swag? I'm in! Thanks for the opportunity. I want the keychain! :)

Val said...

I love this image/cover.

I accidently filled out the form twice. Can you please remove my duplicate entry?

Kulsuma said...

Awesome giveaway!

Cass said...

Lovely giveaway. Nice swag! :D I'm so, so excited about POSSESSION. I think I already like you, you seem so exuberant and hm . . . maybe a bit A.S. King-ly. :P

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

I'm so excited to read Possession!! Thanks for the cool swag giveaway...I don't need the chocolate, but I'd more than enjoy it =)

Lauren M said...

Um HELLO CHOCOLATE. (Also shiny swag)
I can't wait for Possession! It sounds amazing.

EVA SB said...

Great giveaways! And of course everyone needs chocolate :0)

Vivien said...

Cannot wait to read this book.

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Nice swag!!

Charity Bradford said...

Goodies! :D

Taffy said...

Can your book just be in my hands NOW so I can read it??

Heather (Book-Savvy) said...

NIIIICE! I just put Possession on my 2011 Debut Author's Challenge list. It sounds awesome!
hmk10974 @ yahoo .com

Gaby G said...

Yummy, chocolate!!

magabygc AT gmail.com

Aik said...

Chocolate is my favourite! I'd love to win this!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Jenn said...

Awesome giveaway, Possession is so on my TBR list!

And yes, everyone wants/needs chocolate. :)

Khyla said...

This looks like such an awesome giveaway. Love that people are so generous :)


Lily Meade said...

I hope the giveaway is still going on.
