

The ASHEN WINTER blog tour has begun. Mundie Moms kicked it off yesterday with a giveaway--it's super easy to enter, and you could win both ASHFALL and ASHEN WINTER, autographed by Stephanie Meyer! (Well, I really mean that I'll do an extraordinarily bad job of forging Stephanie Meyer's signature if you want, although I'm actually better at signing my own name.)

Today I'm at Book Love 101 with an interview. Book Love 101 is totally the wrong title for this blog, by the way. Amanda Marie has AT LEAST a master's degree in loving books, so it should be Book Love 501, amIright? Anyway, you can go there to learn which book I think everyone should read (well, everyone who was born into a Western culture, anyway).

If you want to follow along for the rest of the blog tour, here are the stops. I'll update these with links to the actual posts as they go live:

Sept 23 - Mundie Moms
Sept 24 - Book Love 101
Sept 24 - Crossroad Reviews
Sept 26 - Good Choice Reading
Sept 27 - Page Turners
Sept 27 - Alluring Reads
Sept 28 - Book and Things
Sept 28 - Bookpics
Sept 30- Bea Book Nook
Oct 2- Unabridged Book Shelf 
There will be at least six giveaways of signed first-edition hardcovers of ASHEN WINTER and paperbacks of ASHFALL--some open internationally. I also wrote about a dozen brand new guest posts--if you're interested in survival tips or taekwondo, you're in for a treat. There will also be some amazing interviews, so stay tuned! Many, many thanks to Savannah Valdez at Books with Bite for organizing the tour.

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1 comment:

M.A.D. said...

I so enjoyed Ashfall (and my daughter also) that we are practically counting down the days for Ashen Winter! Mr. Mullin is an incredibly talented author and it really shows in this fantastic series! <3
Mary DeBorde M.A.D.
zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com