
What I Think of THE OTHER LIFE

Okay, so I sat down to read THE OTHER LIFE, thinking it was going to be a nice change of pace from my writing, teaching, taxiing, basically crazy life.

Um, not so much. Susanne really takes you by the throat on the first page, and she doesn't let go for a long time. I found myself gnawing my nails and reading faster and faster. Let's examine further.

About THE OTHER LIFE: Sherry has lived with her family in a bunker for more than three years. Her grandfather's body has been in the freezer for the last six months, her parents are at each other's throats and two minutes ago, they ran out of food. 

Sherry and her father must leave the safety of the bunker. What they find is an empty Los Angeles, destroyed by bombs and haunted by Weepers - savage humans infected with a rabies virus. While searching for food, Sherry's father disappears and Sherry is saved by Joshua, a hunter. He takes her to Safe-haven, a vineyard where a handful of survivors are picking up the pieces of their other lives, before the virus changed everything. 

Sherry must find a way to help her family, stay alive, and decide whether Joshua is their savior or greatest danger as his desire for vengeance threatens them all. 

What I Thought:
1. The pacing of the book is incredible. Readers will really be on the edge of their seats, hoping Sherry will be able to find her way out of that warehouse, or takes better aim, or finds her father.

2. Sherry is tough. She's lived in a bunker for over 1100 days. She doesn't know what's going on in the world, and she's exposed to some pretty horrific stuff right off the bat. Sure, she's scared, but she doesn't back down. I really liked that about her.

3. There's kissing. I'm not sure this needs a proper explanation, but yeah. You know I like books with kissing/romance. THE OTHER LIFE seemed to have just the right amount, especially in a pretty messed-up world and with Sherry going through all the stuff she does.

So there you go! If you like books that have fast pacing, lots of action, tough protags, and romance, you'll like THE OTHER LIFE.

You can read the first chapter here, and then be sure to get your copy of THE OTHER LIFE today--on release day! Also, Susanne will be giving away a signed copy of THE OTHER LIFE at the end of the week. To enter, just comment on any our posts during the week. The contest is open internationally.


Vivien said...

Your points just made me want this book even more!!! My zombie addiction is calling my name....this book needs to be acquired! Sounds brilliant.

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Susan Light said...

Thanks so much for your thoughts. They have made me add this book to pile summer reading pile. Sounds so incredible and right up my alley!

M.A.D. said...

Seriously, now I'm totally frothing to get to read this!!!! Susanne's book is going to be a major seller!!

And whoever the cover artist is should get some kind of an award - that cover is OUTSTANDING :D

Mary DeBorde M.A.D.
zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com

ArtemisG said...

Great post! Sherry seems very interesting character.

Thank you for the giveaway!
artgiote at gmail dot com

Dark_Calling said...

this book seriously seems amazing...thanks for making a review

adeeb0oo0 at hotmail dot com