
THE FORGETTING CURVE Author Angie Smibert Tells All!

Today we're here with THE FORGETTING CURVE author, Angie Smibert! She's going to give us all the goods on writing her second book--and treats!

So THE FORGETTING CURVE is a companion to MEMENTO NORA. Tell us the thought process behind that. Why a companion? Was this always planned this way? 

The Forgetting Curve is a direct sequel to Memento Nora. The action picks up about a few weeks after the end of the first book. However, since—spoiler alert—the main characters of Memento Nora have forgotten what happened, I needed a few new points of view to tell this part of the story. So the POV characters are Aiden, Velvet, and Winter.

Is Aiden a new character, or did we see him a bit in MEMENTO NORA?

Aiden is new. Velvet, though, you met briefly in the first book. She’s Winter’s best friend (other than Micah). (I love getting to know new characters, or seeing minor characters from the first book in a new light.)

Tell us about Aiden, and why he’d fly across the world to come to his cousin's side. 

 Before Aiden was sent overseas to school, he and Winter were very close. He feels she’s the one person in the world who gets him. So if she’s in trouble, he’s going to risk the wrath of his father. (Oooh, intriguing.)

Do you have any favorite writing treats to keep the words flowing?

When I need a change of pace (or space), I go down to the coffee shop around the corner. One of their chocolate croissants or biscotti and a cup of good coffee certainly kick the words into action.

How did things progress for THE FORGETTING CURVE? Lots of late nights writing? Already had this drafted? 

Already drafted? Hah. In a lot of ways, the second book was tougher than the first. My publisher didn’t buy version 1.0 of Forgetting Curve—and rightly so. I rethought it and submitted a proposal for the current version. Marshall Cavendish bought it, but then I only had a couple months to write it. (Wow, that's a great story! I can't believe you wrote it in such a short time though! You must have cyborg clones...)

Tell us something about yourself we might not know! 

I live for Tuesday night pub quiz. ;) (I don't know what this is, but I want to find out!)

If you haven't preordered your copy of THE FORGETTING CURVE yet, be sure to do that! You can also enter to win a copy in this Goodreads giveaway.

And thanks to Angie for answering these questions. I really need a chocolate croissant about now... What about you? Favorite reading/writing treat? Do you like sequels with the same narrating characters, or do you prefer new characters?

1 comment:

Marcie Flinchum Atkins said...

The chocolate croissant is writing-worthy. I can't wait for the book launch!