
In outer space...

there is no noise. This article is so interesting! I'm sure I wouldn't last even five minutes (if that long) in a room like this.

Which reminds me of this article I posted not long ago about silencing people.

We don't necessarily think about how important sound (or the lack of sound) is - but it seems to be tied to our sanity. Hmmm... do I sense some plot ideas forming? I think so!

How long do you think you would last in a room of total silence?


Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

I would love it for about a day!

K M Kelly said...

Probably not very long!

Mandy P.S. said...

I'm fairly certain I would go insane. I'm the kind of person who always has the TV on for the sake of background noise. I come from a large family. Silence is unheard of.

Julia said...

Thanks for the comments, y'all! :)