This blog was designed with you in mind. This blog is to develop a community of people who, like us, love the YA dystopian genre. We hope you enjoy the content we're going to be providing: interviews with fellow YA dystopian authors, book reviews, in-depth discussions on why and how dystopian books work, and fun content such as exploring dystopian themes on film and comparing the old with the new.
Who Are We?
We're a group of 2011 debut YA dystopian authors. Our works run the gamut from near-future psychological terror to interstellar science fiction, but there's one thing in common: these are books about what happens after the world changes for the worse.
Why dystopia? Why now?
Dystopia is one of the hottest topics for books in the YA market right now. There's lot of reasons behind it, as Publisher's Weekly pointed out.
...hundreds of thousands of today's teens are reading future-as-a-nightmare novels—and not just the 1984 and Brave New World classics required by their teachers. ...Why now? Newspaper headlines about swine flu, terrorism, global warming, and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are inspiring authors—and making kids feel uneasy.
But there's more to it than that, of course. Dystopian literature gets at the heart of humanity. These books aren't about people living day-to-day--they're about people existing in extreme situations, and somehow maintaining their humanity...or not...

We're also planning monthly giveaways for you, our readers. Our first giveaway is going to be announced May 17th, so be sure to drop by then to see what we have to offer. Here's a hint: zombies, steampunk, aliens, and an author signature...
So, stick around! Explore! See what the world is...and what it could be.
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