
Awesome Reads!

Okay, so I've had a lot of time to read recently. Naturally, I'm drawn to a mixture of YA contemporary, science fiction, and fantasy.

Some of my favorites include:

GRAVE MERCY by Robin LaFevers (fantasy): I loved this book so much I posted about it on my own blog during one of my Bookanista Thursdays. Go check out my review.

MAGISTERIUM by former Leaguer Jeff Hirsch (science fiction/fantasy): I seriously don't know why it took me so long to open this book. It was SUCH a fantastic world! I also blogged about this book for Bookanista Thursday.

THE SELECTION by Kiera Cass (dystopian): Again, another one that took me a while to crack, even though I'd purchased it during release week. This book has the feel of WITHER by Lauren DeStefano and MATCHED by Ally Condie. If you haven't read it yet, you should.

THE PLEDGE by Kimberly Derting (dystopian): I know, I know. I'm late to the party again! I really liked the mix of magic and dystopian tropes in this tale. The best part of reading books a little bit late is that the second one is already out!

THE CROWN OF EMBERS by Rae Carson (fantasy): I adored THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS, and THE CROWN OF EMBERS delivered again -- something rare and hard to do with a second book. This series has become the pinnacle of fantasy for me. Read it. Love it.

What fantasy and science fiction reads have you devoured recently?