
A Discovery of Witches (the All Souls trilogy)

 Perhaps due to the amount of time I've spent recently with quantum mechanics while writing book two, I've found myself really enjoying a good fantasy.  As such I've become obsessed with Deborah Harkness's All Souls Trilogy.

In fact, I was telling someone how much I loved it the other day and they gave me a funny look and said "but nothing happens for 100 pages." I beg to differ.  In the first 100 pages, Diana goes to the library and meets a smoking-hot academic vampire.  That is to say Matthew is a vampire and an academic.  Now perhaps it's the recovering grad student in me, but the descriptions of the Bodleian Library replete with old manuscripts and their special handling requirements really work for me.  Throw in the vampire-academic and a historically-rich plot with vivid settings and you have me hook, line, and sinker.  

Bottom line: The first two books in the All Souls trilogy (A Discovery of Witches and Shadow of Night) are intelligent, well-crafted novels with just the right mixture of magic, history, and smoking-hot, academic vampires.


Carrie said...

I agree. This series is so good! I'm eagerly anticipating the third book. Matthew is my favorite vampire for sure!

Angie Smibert said...

Loved them, too.

Unknown said...

I love when I see ADOW/SON and obsessed in the same sentence. I share your devotion. I even had the chance to visit England last fall with some other fans to check out sites from the books in Oxford and London. ADOW has been optioned by Warner Brothers and a script written. I really hope Richard Armitage is cast as Matthew! You might be interested in the crusade: www.armitage4clairmont.com or www.facebook.com/armitage4clairmont