Mike, your first book,
ASHFALL, had tremendous awards and honors. You were one of NPR’s top 5 YA
novels, and Kirkus had you on a Best Teen Book List as well as a starred
review. There were many more honors. How
did any of this affect you as you wrote the sequel, ASHEN WINTER?
It has certainly increased
my writerly anxiety. The question is always hovering just out of sight behind
my left shoulder: Can I write anything as good as the first book? Answering
that question will be up to my readers, of course.
You also had many amazing
blurbs from wonderful authors. How did the Richard Peck one come about?
One of the disadvantages of
being published by a small press is that they don’t have a stable of famous
authors to solicit blurbs from. Tanglewood Press’s most famous author is Audrey
Penn, who wrote the perennially best-selling picture book, The Kissing Hand. Not exactly the same target audience as ASHFALL.
So I took it upon myself to solicit blurbs. I wrote to 18 famous authors, most
of whom I’d met while working at Kids Ink Children’s Bookstore in Indianapolis.
Richard Peck was gracious enough to reply, read ASHFALL, and offer a few kind
words about it. He’s an amazing writer and true class act.
Definitely. So does ASHEN
WINTER close the series? Or will there
be more books?
There will be one more
novel, tentatively titled SUNRISE. I’m working on drafting it now. I’m also
putting the finishing touches on a novelette called DARLA’S STORY. It covers
everything that happens to Darla between the eruption of the Yellowstone
supervolcano and the afternoon when Alex falls into her barn.
I noticed your website
mentions that you are working without a literary agent. Has that changed?
Nope. I recently got a
rejection from a literary agent who I queried MORE THAN TWO YEARS AGO!
Another literary agent
called me earlier this year and requested a copy of ASHFALL. I sent it, waited
a couple of months, and got a rejection. Next time that happens, I’m sending
the dang agent to their local bookstore. That way at least I’d get a sale out
of it.
The world of literary
agents is baffling to me. Most authors I’ve talked to tell me I should keep trying
to find an agent willing to represent me. Michael Grant, on the other hand, has
built a career I very much admire without an agent, and tells me not to
bother. Anyway, it’s irrelevant for at
least another year—I sold SUNRISE to Tanglewood Press with a proposal back in
March, and finishing that and promoting ASHEN WINTER will consume all my time
for a while yet.
Well, you’re saving 15%
this way, that’s a plus. So I’m guessing you sold ASHFALL directly to Tanglewood.
What would you most like
your readers to take away from ASHEN WINTER?
The most important thing in
Alex’s life at the beginning of ASHEN WINTER is his relationship with Darla.
So, being a sadistic writer, I test that relationship in numerous ways over the
course of the book. While none of us have to face tests quite as severe as Alex
does (supervolcano, eternal winter, cannibal gangs, etc.), all our
relationships are tested in smaller ways nearly every day. I would hope that
the way Alex faces his tests and what he learns from that experience might
inspire some of my readers.
You are doing an enormous
number of signings! What’s your worst/funniest/most surprising event story?
I had an event scheduled at
the Cedar Rapids Juvenile Detention Center last year. On my calendar, it was
two forty minute presentations with a twenty minute break in between. Easy.
So I get buzzed in through
the airlock-style double doors and meet the staff. They say something like,
“Our inmate population is fairly light, so we’re putting them all together for
you in one presentation.” I think, great, I’ll be out of here in forty minutes.
But no—it quickly became clear that they needed me to fill the entire two hours
that was originally scheduled.
Now, I’m a very
entertaining speaker. I have no problem holding the attention of almost any
crowd for forty minutes. But two hours? No way. So I quickly changed what I’d
planned to a writing workshop, in which I speak for part of the time, the
students write for part of the time, and we hold a discussion on writing for
part of the time. And it was absolutely freaking amazing. You would not believe
the incredible stories these juvenile delinquents had to tell. I still remember
it as one of the best events I’ve done yet.
I love that story. What
looks like it’s going to be the worst thing, turns out to be the best. You gave
them a chance to tell their stories. What about short stories for you, do you
ever write them?
I wrote a short story for
Halloween last year. You can read it here. I tried to write a short
story about what happens to Darla between when the volcano erupts and Alex
shows up, but that turned into a novelette. In general, I prefer long-form
fiction both as a reader and a writer.
Is there one piece of
advice you’d like to give unpublished writers?
Read. A lot. Both in the
genre you write in and in other genres. If you don’t have time to read, you
don’t have time to become a writer.
What’s next for Mike?
I’m finishing up SUNRISE,
and then I’ll probably write this strange near-future science fiction yarn
that’s simmering at the back of my overheated brain.
Is there anything else
you’d like to say to the League readers?
Umm, I
hope you’ve found my posts interesting?
I’m pretty sure I’m the world’s worst blogger, so thanks for putting up
with me for the last 9 months!
I always enjoy your blog posts, Mike. So keep
doing what you're doing. Thank you for this interview during your busy launch
Mullin’s first job was scraping the gum off the undersides of desks at his high
school. From there, things went steadily downhill. He almost got fired by the
owner of a bookstore due to his poor taste in earrings. He worked at a place
that showed slides of poopy diapers during lunch (it did cut down on the
cafeteria budget). The hazing process at the next company included eating live
termites raised by the resident entomologist, so that didn’t last long either.
For a while Mike juggled bottles at a wine shop, sometimes to disastrous
effect. Oh, and then there was the job where swarms of wasps occasionally tried
to chase him off ladders. So he’s really glad this writing thing seems to be
working out.
holds a black belt in Songahm Taekwondo. He lives in Indianapolis with his wife
and her three cats. Ashen Winter is his second novel. His debut, Ashfall, was named one of the top
five young adult novels of 2011 by National Public Radio, a Best Teen Book of
2011 by Kirkus Reviews, and a New Voices selection by the American Booksellers
been over six months since the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano. Alex
and Darla have been staying with Alex's relatives, trying to cope with the new
reality of the primitive world so vividly portrayed in Ashfall, the first book
in this trilogy. It's also been six months of waiting for Alex's parents to
return from Iowa.
Alex and Darla decide they can wait no longer and must
retrace their journey into Iowa to find and bring back Alex's parents to the
tenuous safety of Illinois. But the landscape they cross is even more perilous
than before, with life-and-death battles for food and power between the
remaining communities. When the unthinkable happens, Alex must find new
reserves of strength and determination to survive.
first two chapters are available on my website: www.ashenwinter.com. You may reprint the
first two chapters in whole or in part on your website so long as you do not
charge anyone anything to access them.
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