
Virtual Party in Celebration of A MILLION SUNS!

Today we’re celebrating the launch of Beth Revis’s A MILLION SUNS by participating in the Virtual Party! Each hour of the day, from 9am to 5pm EST, there will be a different feature on a different blog. And each stop, in true party fashion, will have a party favor to give out—in the form of a signed book plus some cool swag—and a party game: a puzzle piece to a truly epic prize for one winner! So read on to find out exclusive information about A MILLION SUNS and enter to win a signed book!


One thing that I think a lot of people miss is that there is a fully interactive model of Godspeed online, there for your viewing pleasure! It's located at http://acrosstheuniversebook.com, and you can click on each level of the ship.

Make sure to click around; there's some special features in each level, including details about the Bridge, the Hospital, and more.

As you explore, you might notice that some of the rooms are off-limits. If you click on the Feeder Level, you'll find a blocked section for "storage." Those of you who have read ACROSS THE UNIVERSE might know that this is the cryo level, where Amy is.

But here's something no one knows yet. On the cryo level, there are several locked doors. One of them--the hatch that leads out to space--can be opened with the code G-O-D-S-P-E-E-D. But there are more doors...and by the end of A MILLION SUNS, Amy and Elder are going to go through all of them.

And two more people are going out the hatch. 

Thanks for stopping by today as a part of the Virtual LaunchParty for A MILLION SUNS! To help celebrate, one commenter on this post will receive a signed paperback of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, the first book of the trilogy, along with some custom swag, including a poster, an art print of a koi fish (made by the student who inspired Beth to write the character Harley), NASA goodies, and more. This contest is open internationally, and will end in 24 hours.


Make sure you go back to Beth’s website for full details onthe party. Visit every site in the party to gather clues that will enable you to enter for the GRAND PRIZE—a signed paperback of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, a signed hardback of A MILLION SUNS, an exclusive water bottle, a poster, an art print, and more!

In order to win that grand prize, you need a clue. And the clue for this blog stop is...


Carina Olsen said...

Loving this! And loving what you shared about A Million Suns. <3 My copy did not arrive today :\ But hoping it will get here soon :D *Fingers crossed for this amazing prize pack* Thank you for being so awesome :) <3
Love, Carina

dkastel188 said...

i love godspeed

Unknown said...

Awesome!! I/we all've been waiting for today so long it's hard to believe its finally here! Thanks so much for this giveaway! :D
Dauntless (dot) seven (dot) of (dot) nine (at) gmail.com

LittleFoot said...

Just got the confirmation that my copy of A Million Suns is in the mail! I've been waiting for this since I finished Across the Universe last January! Hooray!!!

J said...

I'm excited to see what's behind the rest of the doors!

Anonymous said...

I like the cover of A Million Suns! It tells volumes about the theme and genre of the book. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi,I'm excited to be here. I haven't got the privilege to read Across The Universe yet so this would be perfect. Thank you.

Malvina Beatrice

Michelle said...

Very excited for A Million Suns! What awesome prizes. :)

Katie Dunn said...

Can't wait to get my copy of A Million Suns!!

kathleen dot doyle 88 at yahoo dot com

Julia K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessirae said...

This is wicked awesome! Thanks for being a part of this! And thanks for this post! I didn't know there was a lay out for Godspeed. I love it :)


Jen R. said...

Congrats on the release of your second book! :D I haven't read AtU yet, but I'm already obsessed with it! :P

Awesome launch party! Totally loving the scavenger type hunt!

Susan Light said...

Cannot wait to read Amy and Elder's continuing story!

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhhh all of this crazy release day awesomeness is making me SO EXCITED-I preordered so hopefully it will be here soon!

Juli said...

I loved the first book and have been impatiently waiting for the release of A Million Suns :)

Sayomay said...

that awesome! I havent read the series but ive been wanting to for a while now! Sign me up!

Kayla Beck said...

I cannot WAIT until I get to read A Million Suns! I mean, I was fine with the way ATU ended (very old-school SciFi), but since there's more, I want it! I have heard so many good things about this book, and I hope to get my hands on it soon!

pherlaithiel (at) gmail (dot) com

Amanda Welling said...

Ah!! My book seriously needs to get here TODAY! I pre-ordered it and I'll be reading it as soon as Mr. Mailman delivers it. Poor mailman... I'll be stalking my doorway all day!


Deborah Julene said...

I cannot wait to read A Million Suns! Thanks for the giveaway!

DTilson said...

Can't wait for the launch party tonight!!! Gotta read the 2nd book and see what happens!

Unknown said...

Congrads on the Release of A million suns ;) I loved Across the Universe and cant wait to see where Beth is taking us on the next journey !!!

;) kat

Michelle said...

I preordered the book but won't receive it till tomorrow :( i'm excited about the releasez and the giveaways.

Michelle said...

Love the post. I can't wait to get the book and read it. I think I may have to just drop everything else and read it when I get it.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Two more out the hatch! Can't hardly stand the wait to find out what happens!

Cassidy said...

I am so excited about the release of A Million Suns. My copy should be in the mail today **fingers crossed**

Thanks for the reminder of the online interactive map of Godspeed. I'm heading over there next.

Congratulations Beth.


Merenwen said...

I can't wait for A Million Suns, so excited! :) Great giveaway!


A. K. Fotinos-Hoyer said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Congratulations and yay for the virtual launch party - what a great idea!

Jonna said...

So excited to read Million suns!

eddix1987 said...

i havn't even read the first book yet i only found out about the books through i am number four facebook page, so i went to buy hardback version but can not seem to find it anywhere in uk stores, so i had to order it from us through amazon still awaiting the first book to read which shoould come today, so i am excited to read as i have heard good things about the book well done on 2nd book release!!

starryeyedjen said...

I'm so excited to read A Million Suns! I'm sure I'll finish it in one sitting once it arrives. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!


shakethecobwebs said...

I am SO EXCITED to finally get my hands on this!

Meg said...

Love this! Thanks for the great post!

Joan said...

Can't wait to review A Million Suns. ATU was riveting.

Sara @ Forever 17 Books said...

Oh! I think I will go check out that interactive model of Godspeed! Sounds fun! Thank you and thanks for having a giveaway as well! :)

YA Bibliophile said...

LOVE the interactive Godspeed :) Can't wait to learn more!

Jen Bigheart said...

Congratulations, Beth! SUNS is a fantastic sequel and we are all dying for more. TX hearts you! Would love to win....

jenbigheart at yahoo.com

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

So excited to read A Million Suns! I've got it on my Kindle already... :)

Diane Kristel said...

I can't wait to get my own copy. Our local bookstore doesn't have them yet. :(

Angela said...

Wow, this is amazing! Can't wait to read A Million Suns. :) Thanks for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Love this blog hop! Great post! Hope to wiiiiin the swag!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, and my email is howdymomma @ yahoo . com

Dusty said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I loved Across the Universe and cannot wait to read A Million Suns, I'm very exited to see what Amy and Elder discover behind those doors!

cookie said...

Yay! Suns and stars day!

I love the map of Godspeed.


Anonymous said...

Best. Release party. EVER.

Emily said...

such a fun way to celebrate for those of us who can't be at a launch tonight! I love Amy and Elder and can't wait to see what happens next!

Lisa Jordan said...

I really like the interactive Godspeed website. Can't wait to read A Million Suns!

Marnise said...

I have been wanting to read this series! Good luck to who ever wins!

John McMahon said...

Two more out the hatch???


Nadinax said...

Through ALL the doors ? More people through the hatch ? Oh man! I'm SO excited for AMS.

Thanks for the giveaway!

nadjscr at hotmail dot com

Kayeleen Hamblin said...

I've been waiting for A Million Suns since I finished AtU. I'm so excited for Beth!

Lori M. Lee said...

This is so fun. I'm so insanely excited for this book!

TL Conway said...

How exciting! Happy Release Day, AMS!

Off to explore locked doors on the Godspeed. Thanks for the great contest!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being a party host!

Amanda D. said...

I'm dying to read A Million Suns!!

Valia Lind said...

I am so excited to finally read this!!!

Jill Kaplan said...

This is such a cool release party! Thanks to everyone who's making it possible, especially Beth!!

Kat said...

Wow, I'm loving this release party! I still haven't ordered my copy of AMS, so I hope I'll win one here :D

And this mystery clues are brilliant!

miki said...

thanks you for your participation in this tour.

i really would like to discover this serie so thanks you for this great opportunity

all the best


AAA said...

What a great way to start a release party! Thanks for letting us all be apart of this awesome day. Can't wait for my copy of A MILLION SUNS to arrive :)

allisonannjenkins (at) gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Wow! Talk about a party!! Congrats to Beth on her sequel :) I can't imagine how exciting it must be to see your name on a book that thousands/millions will buy!

hey_there_ness said...

Can't wait to find out what's behind all those doors! Love mysteries in space!

Crystal said...

Congrats to Beth! Would love to win ;-) Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


Angela said...

I'm loving this party!
Congrats to Beth!
angela1997 at live dot nl

aparajita said...

THE BEST RELEASE PARTY EVA'....ecited for my copy of A Million Suns


Ness G said...

So excited for AMS and can't wait to read it!

Jess Huckins said...

So excited! Thanks for hosting. :)

The Lovely Reader said...

How did I not know about the Godspeed model? So cool. I know what I'll be doing for the next couple of hours haha. Thanks for hosting a great interview and contest!

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Lena said...

This is awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

Christina said...

I cannot wait to read A Million Suns!!!

DhesiX said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I can't wait to read this series!


F. S. Poesy said...

Can't wait for the story to continue!

Kristina said...

Ship Nav was interesting and I hadn't seen it before. Thanks

Unknown said...

Awesome post

Katie said...

Fingers crossed I win! ;)

Anonymous said...

I hadn't checked out the model of Godspeed before! Awesome giveaway!


Diane Bohannan said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! The Godspeed is a super cool ship!

DancingJoy said...

All of this is sooooo exciting!!! Love these books!

PamM said...

Thanks for an amazing giveaway. Kydirtgirl68 AT gmail.DOT com

Bethany said...

This is why Beth is my favorite author ever - SHE LOVES HER FANS!
bethany0728 @ gmail dot com

Nakoya said...

I can't wait to read A Million Suns. I am still not over Harley's death. Thanks for the giveaway!
alias.known.yo at gmail dot com

Victoria said...

This is so much fun. Thank you. I cannot wait for a copy to land in my hands. Should be any day now :).


NeuroHormone said...

I would love to be on the bridge.

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Ooh, I like the interactive Godspeed content - that looks like a time suck to me!

Candace said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I remember seeing a drawing of the Godspeed on the hardcover of Across the Universe when I borrowed it from the library. I'm checking it out on the site now :)


Vivien said...

Congrats on the sequel!!! So excited here. A fantastic giveaway!!

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

hp said...

"And two more people are going out the hatch."

I'm getting chills!

candice (thecrjreviews) said...

I love that the ship is basically a character in these books. Godspell is a great backdrop!

candicerjames [at] gmail [dot] com

Ana said...

I had no idea about the interactive Godspeed, thanks for sharing about it!

melannie (: said...

oh man. I can't wait to read AMS! sounds like a lot of misteries are getting solved! or at least we will see what's behind all those doors! :D


Eric said...

I cannot wait for this book. This virtual party though is a great way to celebrate LOL. Thank you for the clue and please include me in the contest.

Melody said...

This is so exciting!! I'm so excited for Beth! :) Can't wait to read A MILLION SUNS! :)

Ariel Wilson said...

I'm so excited to figure out the puzzle! :D

ArtemisG said...

Congratulations and virtual launch party is a great idea!

latishajean said...

I can't wait to read this book heard great things about it! Thanks for the great giveaway!
tishajean@ charter.net

The Reading Date said...

This is such a fun way to celebrate the launch of A Million Suns! So many secrets on Godspeed...

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I might die if I don't read this soon! Hurray for book birthdays! :-)

Charlee Hoffman said...


So excited!


Unknown said...

I'm so excited for A Million Suns! So sooo excited :)

Unknown said...


Michelle @ In Libris Veritas said...

I love this map! I'm pretty excited to read this!


bookworm105 said...

I can't wait to read this book! Thanks fort e great giveaway!

Bidisha said...

I'm afraid to read through through entire posts for fear of spoilers, but I'm so excited for this!


mimz said...

Wow so much awesomeness!

Thank you!


Teril said...

Oh this has been a fabulous world Beth and with AMS in hand it is almost hard to think of the end of the series with Shades. I love this book and its characters.

Dorina said...

gret! greetings from germany! :)

sawcat said...

I've been looking forward to my hold coming in on the first book. I've heard nothing but good things.

booklove at sawcatsverse dot com

Rachel said...

Really excited to read A Million Suns! I feel like I am one of the last to do so.


Amanda said...

I am uber excited to read A Million Suns! I'm hoping to go to chapters tonight.
The virtual ship was really cool too!


Mandy IReadIndie said...

super excited for the release of A Million Suns!!
twimom101 @ yahoo.com

Jenny said...

Happy Book Birthday Beth!!! Across the Universe was amazing and I'm looking forward to getting A Million Suns:)

Jolene and Family said...

What an amazing prize pack, so excited!!! I loved Across The Universe and cannot wait to read A Million Suns!!!


Anstice Brown said...

Wow, thanks for sharing this. I had no idea there was a virtual model of the ship *runs off to explore*. Thanks for another chance to win!

Tabitha Michelle said...

So awesome! I cannot wait to read A Million Suns!

Anonymous said...

Wow that is really cool. I hate all of these little hints about AMS too xD They make me want the book right now!

Crystal said...


I didn't know we could explore the ship online. Off to explore...

Drina said...

Thanks so much for doing this! I can't wait to read A Million Suns. :)

Bwyatt said...

Awesome! Can't wait!

elena said...

The ship is SO COOL! I love the idea of it, I'm off to explore after this comment. Thank you for the giveaway! Just in case, my email is onpeakhill(at)gmail(dot)com.

Becky B. @ Bibliognome said...

Love this series and love the ARC I got to read of this book. Can't wait to get my finished copy in the mail. :)

Anya said...

This is great event and so much fun to be had by all. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to all who are entered.

Anya dot Sandoval at Yahoo dot Com

Carla said...

Awesome! I can't wait to read this!

cjmfnobrega AT gmail DOT com

Books Are Magic said...

Love the cover of this new book ! Sadly, I have yet to read Across the Universe (I feel like I'm the only one that hasn't haha) Thanks to everyone participating!


barmybex said...

I Love Godspeed, a virtual tour is great, can you imagine what it would be like to actually walk on board!

Awesome post and Giveaway! :D

Michele said...

congrats on the release!! and thanks for all the great info

jmluker at winco dot net

Annie said...

I really really really NEED to read this books! Please count me in! :D

Huge kisses and thank you for the chance!!

Annie said...

I forgot my email, sorry:
annie__xx at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Exciting! I'm still reading Across the Universe, but I can't wait for A Million Suns!

Bianca said...

Omigosh! I want to know nowww!!! :D
Thankyou for the giveaway :D

Madison said...

I love this book! I wish that I could explore the Godspeed

Nicki said...

Loved the first book! Can't wait to get AMS

Somethingwickedthiswaycomes said...

Ohhh!!! excited!! I Love this book and I'm so excited for A Million Suns! Thank you for this chance to win!


Kristi said...

:) Part of why I think my ARC of AtU is awesome, is because of the ship drawing on the inside. I love to look at each of the levels! Didn't know there was a website for it too; will have to check that out.

Thanks for being part of the tour!

Kristi S.

Sequoia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I love the ship! I would always go there and explore around and learn more about A Across the Unvierse. I can't wait for A Million Suns right now. I need to feel the book in my hands and read every word from cover to cover and love with all of my heart. Thank you so much everyone and Beth Revis for including us in the Virtual Launch Party!


Sequoia said...

this is a really cool launch party!

I can't wait to read this book and possibly win the prize <3


In Julie's Opinion said...

What a fun virtual party! I'm so glad I was invited :D LOL I am dying to read this book! Thanks for the chance to win a copy plus a lot of very cool swag!!

jwitt33 at live dot com

roro said...

Can't wait to get my copy of A Million Suns!!

Anonymous said...

I missed this first stop - and it's the only stop on a blog I already follow. Haha. Anyways! Catching it late in the day!

*goes to write down clue*

Emma Katherine said...

I'm so excited to read a million suns!!! It's gonna be AMAZING!!!

Gabbie said...

Late arrival. I just woke up :(
But woohoo! Launch Partaay!!!

April X said...

I'm excited for A Million Suns :) And thanks for the giveaway!


Monica T ♥ said...

I am so excited for A Million Suns! After the last word in Across the Universe, I wanted to get my hands on the sequel!!

monicascat (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Nikki said...

I am super excited for A Million Suns and this launch party! Woo!


Anonymous said...

I love the virtual Godspeed, it's such a neat idea. Thanks for the giveaway!


Megan at Book Brats said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Can't wait to get A Million Suns!!

Renée said...

I cant wait to get my hands on A Million Suns! I need to
know what happends next to little Fish!
X Renée

Julie said...

Ahhh! Absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on A Million Suns!

Melissa @thereaderandthechef said...

I really want to read this series, so I'm crossing my fingers, toes, hair and eyes to get lucky on these giveaways. Thanks for the chance!


Sarah (Escaping Through Books) said...

One of my favorite things about the first book is how the reversible cover had a map of the spaceship on one side. Thank you for the giveaway!

escapingthroughbooks (at) gmail (dot) com

latishajean said...

Thank you very much for the fun blog tour and great giveaways!
Latisha D
tishajean@ charter.net

Lori T. said...

These giveaways are so wonderful! Can't wait to read A Million Suns XOXO

Susan Light said...

Going to order it for my nook tonight!

Book Sp(l)ot said...

Thanks for being part of the online launch!! I can't wait to read this book :)

Triquetra said...

So much fun! Thanks for being a part of this and for the awesome giveaway!

princefluffbelle (at) yahoo (dot) com

Amanda said...

So excited to get my copy in the mail from B&N...hopefully soon!

Thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

This is awesome!! Best giveaway ever!! I love Across the Universe and BETH!!! omg she's great!! Time to start A MILLION SUNS!! YAY \^o^/

Christina Farley said...

Best book launch EVER!!!!!!

Anna Copeland said...

I am way excited about the second book! Love when they launch a new book with fun stuff like this!

Melissa/welachild said...

I'm getting excited for A MILLION SUNS! I've looked around the ship but I'm heading over to open the hatch. :)
Thanks for doing another great giveaway.

Itwasemotional (at) yahoo (dot) com

Jeanni said...

I'm so excited for this book!

michaela said...

hello :)

Larissa said...

Yay! I love these contests! And the interactive Godspeed is super cool!

lchardesty at yahoo dot com

ephrielle said...

I only found out about this virtual party after joining the Twitter party. It was intense. So excited for the book.

Diana Julianna said...

I loved the virtual map! Thanks so much for the giveaway! :D

Joy said...

Loving this release party! Congrats on the release on A Million Suns!

Joy said...

Sorry-forgot email!


AlouyMartinez said...

A Million Suns <3 YAY Can't wait to get my hands on this one.


Gabrielle Carolina said...

I feel like I've been waiting for this book for ages, or at least light years...wait, those go by quickly, don't they?

See? I need more Godspeed! ; )



Alicia said...

I'm so excited A Million Suns is out!

Ellz said...

This is so exciting. Can't believe it is finially time to jump back into this world!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the virtual map of Godspeed. Thank you for the chance to win so many great prizes :-)


Litza said...

This is so exciting! I'm so pumped to finally read A Million Suns. Thanks for participating in the launch party & thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Vi Win Win said...

This is such an awesome giveaway, thanks!

vi3ti3abe at gmail.com

TheGirlOnFire said...

So awesome! I can't wait to read this!


thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

Lisa said...

Love the interactive Godspeed! Explored it when ATU came out but still fun ;) Can't wait for AMS!

Baggins said...

I'm really looking forward to reading AMS, more so now with all of the hints and tidnits Beth is dropping!

Thanks for sharing, and for this giveaway!


Michael @ The Bookshelf Review said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Can't wait to read A Million Suns. =]

TayteH said...

I like the ship. Very futuristic. :D Thanks!

IdentitySeeker said...

Ooh! More locked rooms and two more people go out the hatch. I'm intrigued:) So excited for this release!:)


ansindt said...

I went to 3 different stores to buy my copy today!!! All of them were out. I might have to order it online=)

Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

Thanks for the great post! I'd love to win!


Misty said...

I really hope it has a happy ending. I love Godspeed and don't want anything to happen to Beth's wonderful characters!

The Night Bookmobile said...

I am eagerly watching my mailbox for my copy.

thenightbookmobile at yahoo dot com

Priya said...

God i want this book!!!


Cass said...

I sure hope that it's still within the 24 hour time frame. :/ Thanks for the giveaway! I've already read ATU (and AMS is on the way ;)) but that swag is DROOL-WORTHY!

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Jennifer said...

This game is so much fun!

Kai Agito said...

Great post! I've always been intrigued with how Godspeed looks like inside out and I was so excited to see the reversible dust jacket before. Awesome launch party! Can't wait to read A Million Suns!

amaterasureads at gmail dot com

Krysta said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win.

anme said...

I actually didn't know about the interactive ship online, how cool! I love the amount of details that can be found online.

melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

Giada M. said...

Interesting! Thank you for posting and for the giveaway! :D

Knighton said...

Is the contest still on? If so, I want to win!

Jana said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Danielle B! said...

I'm loving this launch party. All of the blog posts are making me want to read AtU right now!
