
29 May 2013

The Cover of Impostor

So excited for the release of IMPOSTOR by Susanne Winnacker this week! I was hooked on the story idea and when I saw the cover, I thought it was beyond perfect. Susanne graciously let me attack her with questions on the insider details on all things cover-related!

Your cover is extraordinary. It's so fitting for your book! I understand it wasn't the first cover considered. What was the first one like?

The first one was darker (black background – not white) and not splintered. It showed two different girls (Tessa and Madison) opposite from each other, and DNA was mixed into their hair. It was very sci-fi. It was beautiful in its own way, but I don’t think it was quite as striking as my final cover.

How much input did you have on the cover process?

I didn’t really give any input, since I didn’t have a vision for the cover, but luckily the team at Penguin did a wonderful job. It reflects the inside of the book and Tessa’s power as well as her turmoil perfectly. I was blown away when I first saw it.

Who is your cover designer, and would we recognize his/her other work?

The designer is Theresa Evangelista. She designed the covers of Ally Condie’s Matched Series, Gordon Dahlquist’s The Different Girl, Ruta Sepetys’s Between Shades of Gray and many more! (

There are so many fantastic YA sci-fi covers out there. Tells us some of your favorites.

I really love the covers of Michael T. Martin’s The End Games,  Debra Driza’s Mila 2.0, Elsie Chapman’s Dualed, Mindy McGinnis’s Not A Drop To Drink, Demitria Lunetta’s In the After, and many others! So many pretty covers! Ahhh!

There you go! The insider scoop on the cover of IMPOSTOR. Thanks Susanne! And if you haven't yet, please enter the IMPOSTOR giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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