
30 May 2013

Interview with Susanne Winnacker, Author of IMPOSTER

Today, it’s my pleasure to interview Leaguer Susanne Winnacker about her new book IMPOSTER. Don’t miss her newest addition to the family at the end.

Susanne, I'm sure the League readers would love to know where you got the idea for Impostor?

My main character Tessa came first. I just knew I wanted to write about a girl who could absorb the DNA of other people and turn into them. And once that was settled, I very quickly decided that she’d go on an undercover mission. I watched the Miss Congeniality movies more times than I care to count – and what’s not to love about undercover missions?

So is Impostor a trilogy or a standalone?

Heh, that’s an interesting question. Right now, the plan is that Impostor has one sequel. J

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

Making sure the mystery worked. I needed to plant enough clues to suspects without giving away the real killer too soon. NOT easy.

Okay, gotta ask, what's your favorite scene?

My favorite scene is in the later chapters and involves the killer but of course it’s VERY spoilery, so…But I also love the scene that inspired the cover. It’s in the middle of the book, and shows Tessa’s inner turmoil. She’s feeling like she’s losing herself. I call it the mirror-scene (people who’ve read the book will know what I’m talking about).

Impostor was sold to Warners for TV! What's the status of that? Dream casting?

I was so excited when I found out about Warner Brothers optioning Impostor’s TV rights. Sadly, there is no news I can share right now. And I don’t have a real dream cast. I don’t want Alec (fellow FEA agent. Tessa has a crush on him) to be just a pretty face. He’s gone through a lot in his life and I think his face should reflect a certain kind of depth. Not very helpful, I guess?

Maybe the readers who have had a sneak peek will have some casting ideas in the comments. So what are you working on now?

I’m working on a middle grade, another unrelated YA horror, and I’m waiting on edits for the sequel to Impostor!

You’re branching out. Is there anything else you'd like to tell the League readers?

I’m at BEA today, so say hi if you see me walking around. I’ll be the woman with the terrified and lost expression on her face. And I’ll be handing out Impostor swag.

Susanne Winnacker studied law before she became a full-time writer. She lives with her husband, a dog and three bunnies in Germany. She loves coffee (in every shape and form), traveling and animals.

When she isn't writing, you can usually find her in the kitchen, experimenting with new vegan dishes.

Be sure to enter the raffle! If you love bunnies, or want to say anything to Susanne, leave a comment.
View Susanne on Facebook here and see Leaguer Lenore's interview with Susanne here.

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