
13 February 2013

Peggy Eddleman: Intro

Hi! I'm excited to introduce myself as part of the League! But how to do it.... Hm. How about we just go for a handful of random facts? 

I can memorize a string of 50 numbers in 5 minutes or less. (Seriously. Quiz me.)

I like cooking for my family. (But given the choice, I'd still choose eating out pretty much every time.)

Sometimes I paint pictures on walls. (And sometimes on ceilings. And sometimes doors.)

I love playing laser tag (with my hubby and three kids, who are all made of awesome), making fun movies, playing commando, and toilet papering houses.

Sometimes I like drawing stick figures. If I could draw stick figures about my book instead of struggling with the blurb that goes on the flap, I totally would. Here's what I wish I could've turned into my editor for my book that comes out this fall, SKY JUMPERS:

This is Hope. 

Hope's daredevil gene is set to super-high.

But sadly, her inventing gene is set to extra-low.

Hope & her town live in one of the massive craters left behind by one of the green bombs that destroyed most of the earth's population, and is covered by the deadly Bomb's Breath.

Which is all pretty cool.... But then there's bad guys, an invasion, lots of danger, and things go wrong.

For once, inventing isn't the answer, but the daring and risk-taking that usually gets Hope into trouble just might save them all.

And were I an agent, I'd most definitely accept stick-figure queries.


  1. Awesome Peggy. You can really memorize 50 numbers in 5 minutes? I'm impressed.

  2. I love these stick figures. Awesome.

  3. Your images are awesome! You are a very interesting person. You crack me up too!

  4. Now I really wish you were an agent. I have some great stick figures to show you ;)

    I'm going to test out that 50 number thing at LTUE so be prepared (or be scared!)

    Fun to have you here Peggy :)

  5. I want to be a able to draw! The stick figures are awesome.

  6. I think stick figures are definitely the way to go! And you should totally put them in the book as illustrations.

  7. Oh my goodness, how cute! I love the stick figures! Hope's inventive abilities may be on the low side, but yours are definitely smokin'!! :-D

  8. You stick figure genius you! Best intro ever!!

  9. Your stick figures are amazing! Agents should definitely accept stick figure queries!

  10. I like the stick figures, and I think putting them in a query would be fun. I wish I could paint my walls, but then I'd lose my security deposit. But at least then I could paint the words "Don't live here" to the next tenant who moves in, and then maybe they'll think it's a message from a ghost. :)

  11. I vote for stick figure queries and finger painted book proposals.

  12. Oh, man. Stick figure queries! Why didn't I ever think of this?!! Haha. Seriously, I love your doodles. You're actually really good at them!

  13. I love your stick figures Peggy!! I think from now own, stick drawings should replace queries, blurbs and the dreaded synopsis! :) That would be so much fun.

  14. I so love your stick figure drawings! Also, I'm going to have to test you on the number challenge. That is so cool!

  15. Tell me again why you aren't illustrating your own cover? You have skills :)

  16. I love your stick figures! Seriously - they're awesome!!! As are you, and the book sounds so fantastic. I'm so excited for you!

  17. I would so accept this as a query entry if I were an agent.

    I definitely needed your stick figures. Can I get a guest post with stick figures someday? :)

  18. Ha - these are great! Welcome to the League <3

  19. I love your sick figures. Awesome.
