
14 February 2013

Lydia Kang: Stuff I Love

Happy Valentine's Day! It seemed fitting that I should write about stuff I love, as a way of introducing myself as a new member of the League of Extraordinary Writers. These are not in any particular order. Hope the ants don't get too mad...

1. The platypus. Maybe because they're mammals that lay eggs and have venomous spines and duck bills and beaver tails and swim and aren't easily categorized. I totally get that. If could choose my Patronus, it'd be a platypus.

2. NaCl. Sodium chloride, a combustible metal and a poisonous gas, combined beautifully together to make pretzels transcendent bits of crunchy heaven. Also, we'd die without salt. How can you not love it?

3. Austen and the Brontë sisters. I'll be a fangirl until the end.

4. Baby otters. If you don't agree with this one, then I have nothing more to say to you.

5. Zombie Ants. Nature did the zombie thing well before Night of the Living Dead. I'm sorry, but a fungus that takes over your body, forces you to climb trees so spores could sprout out of your head to infect more ants? How freaking cool is that???

6. Poetry. I'm not as well read as I'd like to be, but geez, when that tangle of words comes together just so in a poem, it kills me.

7. Loki or Tom Hiddleston. Either will do. *Giggles*

8. The human body. It's so marvelously complicated down to the molecular level, yet often really straightforward. And it's easily screwed up and yet oddly resilient. Squishy and solid and just, well, awesome.

9. My book cover. *stares*  *stares some more*

10. My amazing family and friends. Goes without saying, but I said it anyway. ❤❤❤❤❤


  1. Hugs from the land of the platypus ;-)

  2. Congrats on everything good happening to you these days. I could see the doctor in you in some of your loves here. Thanks for sharing them.

  3. Great list- and the Bronte and Austen sisters are very high on my list, too!

  4. I think it's awesome that you're here, Lydia. Congratulations! And yeah, those zombie ants are creepy, but cool.

  5. Love baby otters (well, okay, baby anything!) and salt :)

  6. Love baby otters (well, okay, baby anything!) and salt :)

  7. Beautiful list! I thought I was the only one in love with the platypus. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  8. I agree with everything but Loki. I'll take Thor. But that's actually a good need to fight over a man.

  9. Yes, baby otters are cute!
    Zombie ants are just twisted.

  10. Your stick figures are awesome. Makes me want to read the book even more! ;)

  11. LOL! Very nice list. ;)


  12. Great list!!!

    Love your cover!!!!!!! <3

  13. I am right there with you on #9. EVERY TIME I see it, I stare.

    But I'm not so sure I'm with you on #5. I was thinking freaky more than cool.

  14. Congrats on the wonderful news about book 2!!

    BTW, I thought I was the only one who'd want to have a platypus patronus.

  15. The platypus and Loki. I think you've written the perfect post.
