
20 December 2010


Yay! Winners! Prizes! :D

I was going to all delay everything and draw it out, but why not just get straight to the winnings?


Winner of the Prize Pack from Elana (chocolate and POSSESSION swag) is...

J. Lea Lopez!

Winner of the Prize Pack from Angie (charm bracelet at MEMENTO NORA swag) is...

Elie Nice @ Ellz Readz

Winner of the Survival Pack from Jeff in relation to THE ELEVENTH PLAGUE is...

Julia @ That Hapa Chick

Winner of the Prize Pack from Julia (horse charm and XVI related stuff) is...

Riv Re

Winner of the Prize Pack from Beth (star related swag and an AtU watch) is...

And, finally, the winner of ALL FIVE BOOKS (preordered) is...

The Eleventh Plague by Jeff! Cover coming soon!

Yup, the winner of all that awesome above is....

Jessica B!

Winners, you'll be contacted soon if you've not been contacted yet. Meanwhile, we hope everyone has a great holiday season, and we'll see you next year!!!


  1. Congrats winners! And Merry Christmas to all and to all a ... well you know. :)

  2. Whoo Hoo- Thanks so much, So excited for all of these releases. Have a great holiday.

  3. Congrats to the lucky, lucky winners! :)

  4. Congrats to the winners! Thanks for another great giveaway!

  5. Congrats to all the lucky winners! Jessica B., I am SOOOOOO jealous! :-)

  6. Kinda late to comment (forgot to xD)
    thanks so much! and congrats to the other winners!

  7. Congratulations to the winners. Happy holidays to everyone. =o)

  8. Wow! What a fun Christmas gift for Jessica...Congrats + happy holidays!
