
17 December 2010

All I Want for Christmas...Possession Style

Okay, so there's quite a bit of tech in my upcoming novel Possession. Everything from iris recognizers (which are in development today) to barcode implants (no, thank you) to teleportation.

And that's what I want. There's nothing worse (to me) than wasting time in a car, driving the boy kidlet to school or the girl to dance or the boy to basketball or piano or scouts or... yeah. I swear I spend hours of my day in the car. And the best Christmas present EVER would be to say to the kidlets: "Hurry! Get to the teleport pad!" and then watch them blink away to their destination.


So I wrote that into my book. It's by far the best tech (to me) in Possession. Of course, tech comes with rules. Here's an excerpt from Possession detailing how the teleporters work:

I moved across the room and stood in front of terminal seven. Now for the sticky part. The password. Laboratory. Ranger. Zenn. Ty. Schoenfeld. Thane. What would it take to get into the lab?

I knew I’d only get one chance. Tech doesn’t accept mistakes. “What’s the password for laboratory four?”

No answer. They were personalized. Just great.

Several minutes passed, my heart thumping more wildly with each one. I made a decision, took a deep breath, and stepped into the teleporter.

So yeah. Insta-travel by blitzing into a million+one particles and then reassembling at your destination. I wantz it.

What about you? Is teleportation a little too Galaxy Quest for you? (Have you seen that? I mean, that pig gets reassembled inside out...) Or is this a futuristic wave you could ride?

Click to visit Elana's website


  1. I would love to be able to teleport! I have always hated driving, and I could easily do without spending a fortune on gas. Bring on the teleporter. What a time saver that would be too.

  2. I was only thinking yesterday how fortunate I am not to have to drive a long way to work or anything. Taking the kids to their christmas carnival then going sledding is still time away from writing but when it's local you don't feel like you are wasting any time. And so much fun!

    I would like time to stand still while I am on the computer so that when I go back to the kids or the housework it is only a minute since I was gone ;)

  3. Absolutely. I would love it. Lunch in Rome? Why not? Dinner in Paris? No problem. After that the theater in London? Certainly.

  4. I would love one of these! No more need to use the underground...bliss.

  5. "Scotty, when you beam me up could you adjust my back, it's been a little tight lately."

  6. Cool! I LOVE teleportation. Winter wouldn't be quite so dreary if you didn't have to go outside and scrape off your car to get anywhere.

  7. I wish I coudl be teleported. What a great idea. Seriously. Like right now, teleport me to a beach in the Caribbean with an awesome drink in my hand, and my MP3 player. Yes, my laptop too. :)
    Ahh... I can hear the ocean.
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Kelly, I hear ya on the gas thing. Teleportation could totally solve that problem!

    Matt, I didn't even consider the amazing dates one could go on with this tech. Brilliant.

    Paul, yes! I totally forgot about that. LOL!

    Emily, I love you to death. I hate winter with every fiber of my being, and that includes scraping off my bloody car. This just makes the teleportation idea so much sweeter.

    Christine, vacationing would be so easy, wouldn't it? I mean, just schedule an arrival time, grip your bag, step into the terminal... and arrive without all that travel headache.

  9. LOL, I love the inside-out exploding pig-thing scene. That's one good argument against teleporting. Another against is from the first Star Trek movie. "What we got back didn't live long, sir." :shudder:

    But if they could get me to Walmart in under an hour or to a good bookstore in under two, I'm all for it. Living in the boonies makes teleporting seem like a lovely dream. =o)

  10. This is most definitely a futuristic wave I could ride! I've always wanted to teleport, ever since I saw X-Men as a kid, lol. It'd save money on cars and gas, not to mention injury and death by road accidents would be obsolete!

  11. I'd totally be open to teleportation! (So long as it's safe) It'd be awesome to be able to go anywhere that quickly!

  12. Oh, yeah...I could totally go for teleportation. It sounds less messy than flu powder!! :-)

  13. Shannon, yes! I totally forgot about the floo network. This would be soooo much better.

    Lauren--safety first. I wonder who we can commission to get started on this...

    Laura, there are so many pluses to this situation, my mind is officially blown.

    Karen, :)

    B.E., ohhh, okay. Let's put that in the "negative" column, okay? I mean, survival is important. Somewhat. ;-)

  14. I would definitely give the teleportation thing a try. Galaxy Quest is one of my family's favorites. "Never give up, never surrender."

  15. I'd love to be in Florence or Prague in a blink. Elana, shall we have crepes in Paris tonight? If only....

  16. Teleportation would be awesome! All that time saved! It would be incredible :)

  17. Totally wantz it. Are you kidding? My life would be so much easier if we had that. So, who's going to invent it?

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