
I ran across this article the other day and thought about how much some of the images remind me of aliens in sci-fi movies.

This guy (a maggot head) kind of reminds me of
this guy     

And this guy

definitely makes me think of this guy...

There are so many things in this world that are so foreign to most of us. I'm guessing the majority of us don't do macro photography or spend time looking at maggots or ants or dust mites under microscopes. But, sometimes it's close attention that sparks the imagination. Like... what if these things were super-sized? Lots of cheesy (and some good) horror movies have been spawned by ants and spiders and other creatures.  And, lots of fictional alien species probably have their imaginary DNA firmly rooted in critters that we barely pay attention to... but, someone did. Someone with a wild imagination and wilder ideas... 

Why don't you check out the pics in the Daily Telegraph slide show & imagine what these creatures might be or do if they really were bigger than life. Care to share your thoughts? :)


Matthew MacNish said...

This is really creepy.

Carol Riggs said...

WAY cool comparisons! Reminds me of my WIP, which involves adult-sized insects, heehee. Freaky stuff!

Colene Murphy said...

EEW!!!!!!!! Maggot head gave me the heebie-geebies...accurate comparisons but major ICK factor!

Julia said...

Matthew - it is creepy, isn't it?

Carol - your WIP must be pretty interesting! :)

Colene - yeah... I had a hard time eating dinner after I got this post together. EEW!!!! is right!