
11 March 2013

Celebrate Debra's Launch of MILA 2.0!

Today we're celebrating the launch of one of our new League member's books: Debra Driza's MILA 2.0!

Debra is an awesome lady--funny and fun, with a career that's shooting off. And MILA 2.0 is a fantastic debut. I'm so glad people are getting the chance to read this epic novel!

MILA 2.0 is an epic science fiction in which a teenage girl, Mila, discovers she's far different from other girls. It's action-packed and a whirlwind of a ride. Of course, one thing I like about books is when they are both entertaining and have a philosophical undertone. And MILA 2.0 does just that--it makes the reader question what it means to be human, but also what it means to be a part of a family, where love comes from, and more.

Can we take a moment to talk about this cover? Because guys. Guys. This cover is perfect. I think it brilliantly illustrates the novel. The book is very much about looking underneath the skin of someone and examining what makes them a person. In addition to that, Mila also breaks apart both physically and emotionally--all of which is portrayed in the cover. 

And, not only do you get to read MILA 2.0 tomorrow, you can start the adventure today by reading Debra's exclusive origin prequel, available as an e-book--for FREE! This prequel story explores the world of MILA 2.0, and give insight to events that happened before the store. 

And if you haven't, you must check out the MILA 2.0 trailer. I love that they bring to life an actual scene from the book, as well as include some of the deeper themes of the novel.

Here on the League, we're giving away a signed copy of MILA 2.0 to celebrate it's launch! The book officially comes out tomorrow, but you can enter to win today and every day this week.

Make sure to enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a signed copy of MILA 2.0!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. So excited for Debra. I have an ARC of this and am planning to spotlight it on my blog.

  2. I keep seeing it compared to Bourne, so of course I want to read it! Not to mention how awesome the cover is.

  3. I have been hearing such great things about Mila, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

  4. I can't wait to read this book!! :D

  5. I'm so excited to read this book! I've heard amazing things about it from the book community!

  6. I'm so excited to read this book! I've heard amazing things about it from the book community!

  7. I've seen lots of great reviews for Mila. I'd love to get my hands on a copy.

  8. I just saw Debra on the Dark Days tour and can't wait to read her book! Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. I've wanted to read this book for months! It looks so interesting and action packed.

  10. I am, so, so excited to read about this book. I've heard so many amazing reviews on the blogosphere about it :)
    Plus, girl android? How awesome is that? Congratulation on your debut!

  11. Debut novels are always an interesting read, getting to know another author's writing style both creatively and technically. Add that to an intriguing topic and this is sure to be one book to watch out for. (:

  12. I've heard so many good things about this book! I can't wait to read it because I LOVE action and covert operations, and to have them in the same book with a sprinkle of romance is like ice cream on a hot day.

  13. I read the free short story on Amazon and this looks like a good book. It's on my to read list for sure.

  14. I have been excited for your book since I first read about it in a blog. Congrats on being published. My local B&N has a display stand just for your book.

  15. I've heard such awesome things about Mila 2.0 and I'm super excited to read it!
