
01 March 2013

A Day in the Life of (Extraordinarily Random) Author Debra Driza

Hello, everyone! I’m so excited to be a new contributor to the League of Extraordinary Writers, WOOT!  (although, I’m not totally convinced that I don’t fit in better with the League of Extraordinarily Disorganized Writers, or perhaps, the League of Ordinary Writers with Delusions of Grandeur. But since I wasn’t invited to participate in either of those groups, here I am!


I thought I’d introduce myself by giving you a little peak at my super glamorous and exciting daily life (um….pretty sure this is where I sign up with the League of Extraordinary Fibbers)

Each day, I do a little of this:

Some of this:

A little of this:

Entirely too much of this:

 Some of this (okay, no, not really--I save THIS for special occasions):

And, since my book MILA 2.0 debuts in less than two weeks (HOLY CRAP!), maybe just a teensy bit of this:


  1. So awesome! Thank you for the photographic tour of your extraordinary-ness. Or extraordinary weirdness as the case may be. Cannot wait to get my mitts on that shiny book!

  2. Ha! I love this! Especially the horizontal pic. I wouldn't be saving that for special occasions if I were you-- I'd do that every single day!

  3. Haha this is great! Can't wait to read MILA!!!

  4. This was awesome. Thank you so much for sharing! I can't wait for Mila 2.0 and I am looking forward to finally getting to meet you on Saturday! Yay!

  5. Awesome post! I can't wait to read MILA it's one of my "Cannot Wait For" March releases! Also, really cute dogs (and child).

  6. You're so adorable I can hardly stand it!

    - Liz
