
18 January 2013

Shades of Earth = Set-Up for Awesomeness

First a bit of housekeeping ... the winner of the complete ACROSS THE UNIVERSE trilogy is ... Jaime K!  Congrats!

If you've read ACROSS THE UNIVERSE and A MILLION SUNS, then you know that Beth Revis has mad skills for setting up tension and drama and mega excitement.

SHADES OF EARTH seems to promise even more thrills and chills.  And many opportunities for drama. Here are a few:

1. You've got a society of shipborns who has spent their entire lives cooped up on a space ship. How are they going to react to the wide open spaces of a new planet?

2. Then there are the frozen scientists waiting to be awoken (including Amy's parents). How are they going to get along with the shipborns?

3. Elder is in charge now ... but can he stay in power with all the new challenges that await?

4. How is Amy's dad going to react to Elder?

5. Is the planet the refuge they've been seeking? Or will it bring death and destruction?

So many questions!! Plan to read this when you've got a big chunk of time, because I suspect you won't want to put it down.

Happy launch week Beth!

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