
06 January 2013

A New Look!

Hi everyone! What do you think of our shiny new look? We here at the League would like to extend our thanks to Hafsah at Icey Books for getting back to us so quickly and working on a new look for our blog over the holidays!

You'll be seeing some more changes this year as we reorganize our schedule, add new people, and do some new things (like chats!). But meanwhile, we've got TWO League launches to prepare for--so stick around for the next two weeks as we launch Lenore Appelhans and Beth Revis's books!

And also: I'd like to apologize to our League member Angie for accidentally leaving her books off the list of prizes for our last giveaway. TOTALLY my bad. If you're looking for some winter reading, definitely check out Angie's latest novels:


  1. Great new look! Good job Hafsah!

  2. Love the new look & love the schedule tab especially!

  3. Looks awesome in here, guys. I can't wait to see the rest of your changes and who the new people are. =o)
