
06 June 2011


Today we get to celebrate the launch of one of our own: Elana Johnson and POSSESSION! All this week we're going to be posting about POSSESSION, wrapping up with Elana herself!

SUMMARY OF POSSESSION: Vi knows the Rule: Girls don't walk with boys, and they never even think about kissing them. But no one makes Vi want to break the Rules more than Zenn...and since the Thinkers have chosen him as Vi's future match, how much trouble can one kiss cause? The Thinkers may have brainwashed the rest of the population, but Vi is determined to think for herself.

But the Thinkers are unusually persuasive, and they're set on convincing Vi to become one of them...starting by brainwashing Zenn. Vi can't leave Zenn in the Thinkers' hands, but she's wary of joining the rebellion, especially since that means teaming up with Jag. Jag is egotistical, charismatic, and dangerous--everything Zenn's not. Vi can't quite trust Jag and can't quite resist him, but she also can't give up on Zenn.

This is a game of control or be controlled. And Vi has no choice but to play.

You know you want to read on and find out what happens next, right? Well, fortunately for you, you can read the first chapter (along with some other awesome Simon & Schuster titles) here!

And you're going to be seeing a lot of POSSESSION all over the internet this week. Check it out here:

Also--and this is (hopefully!) a surprise for Elana--some of her friends have gotten together to help celebrate the launch. You can go here to find more information on how you can win one of fifteen signed copies of POSSESSION! And if you'd like to see what I thought of POSSESSION, here's the vlog I did...

And if you don't trust my word for it, how about trusting James Dashner's? Here's what he said about POSSESSION:
"Possession held me completely captivated from beginning to end. And what an end! I fell in love with the characters and had countless moments of 'Wow.'"
--James Dashner, bestselling author of The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials


  1. I am so excited to read this book! It sounds fantastic. Have a thrilling week, Elana!

  2. Waiting for my copy to arrive. Congrats Elana!

  3. Squee!! I can't wait to read it. Congratulations, Elana! =oD

  4. Buying my copy at your launch party on Wednesday! Wife will probably read it before me though. One final word: Awesomesauce!!!!!!!!

  5. Omg. I want to read this book so dang much!!
