
07 June 2011

Mini-Review of POSSESSION

Where to begin?  Well... I rarely review books. Mostly because I won't review a book I don't love. Suffice it to say - I LOVED POSSESSION!!!

When I started the book, I wasn't sure exactly what to expect. It drew me in right from the get-go! And, once there, this was a couldn't-put-it-down-if-I-had-to read!

Those kinds of books are the ones I go back and reread - many times - just to be sure I didn't miss anything. Or... to pick up those subtleties I missed on the race-to-the-end read.

Elana has written characters who are so believable - their emotions are so complex and compelling - and Oh. My. God. The ending! Yep... just you wait!

Actually... don't wait at all! Get yourself to a bookstore and get a copy! Just be sure to block out enough time to read it from cover to cover - cause you won't be able to put it down!

Congratulations, Elana on your book launch! YAYAYAYAY!!!


  1. I love reading fiction books too.. right now I am reading a book by Tilly Bagshawn..

  2. Congratulations, Elana!! Hikari and I at Imaginary Reads are really looking forward to reading POSSESSION. Hikari was so excited to get the chance to interview you. Thanks for you time :)

    Kris @Imaginary Reads

  3. Possession is awesome! I love the voice in it - and the characters are so honest. Love it :)

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