
10 June 2011

Final Thoughts on POSSESSION Launch Week

Holy mother of parties. Launching a book is akin to building an arc and setting sail around the world. For the official record and all that.

And what a week it's been! I'll give you a quick run-down.

Monday: the calm before the storm. Monday is cleaning day at my house, so I cleaned. Exciting, no?

Tuesday: Launch day! I detailed it fully in pictures on my blog, but this day was more amazing than words can express. So many tweets. So many facebook messages. So many emails. So much excitement.

Wednesday: Launch party! I haven't posted these pictures on my blog, but they are on Facebook. You can see most of them on the fanpage. My favorites:

A group of devoted POSSESSION fans. <3

About half the crowd, packed into the art gallery next to The King's English bookstore. 

Me, third one from left at the top, with a flock of writing pals.

Thursday: The Day After. You know this day. Sort of the let-down day. I went to the movies with my kids, and lunch with writing friends.

Friday: That's today, and I have only one item on the agenda: Sleep.

Saturday: Tomorrow! I'll be doing another signing at my local Barnes & Noble. Guess I better go write my speech so I don't sound like I'm winging it.

I also wrote a thank you post on my blog on Tuesday, and I'm going to pull a bit of that to end with today.

I want to say thank you.

The words feel inadequate, weak, unable to hold how much I really appreciate the friendships and emails and camaraderie I've felt from you, my lovely blog readers.

But they'll have to do.

Thank you.


  1. A week of awesomeness for you Elana! Congratulations. :)
    Jennifer KJovus

  2. You deserve all the awesome coming your way, Elana. Here's hoping for a bunch more. =o)

  3. YAY! For an Awesome week...

    Your hard work is paying off and you SOOOO deserve it Elana.... For all of us that you helped on your blog it should come back to ten fold.


  4. Go Elana! And woohoo! I'm in a picture. Well, the back of my head. But you can totally see my orange shirt. And my wife is a few seats away from me in her pink. Too bad the kids between us weren't in the shot. Oh wait, this is about Elana.
    Go Elana! You are Awesomesauce!!!!!!!!

  5. It was PACKED that night! I was so proud and happy to see how many people came to support you and your book. It was an incredible night and you, your hubby, and ali had me in tears over and over.

  6. It's been an incredible week for you - congrats again! :)
