
07 April 2011

Waiting on Week:The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson

Okay. Okay. It took me a while to get around to reading The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson. Once I started it, though, I could've kicked myself for waiting so long. Loved it.

So, I'm not making the same mistake twice.  As soon as I heard there was a sequel, I clicked pre-order-add-to-cart.  The Fox Inheritance comes out August 30th.  Here's the Goodreads blurb (if you haven't read Adoration yet, cover your eyes. Spoilers!):

Once there were three. Three friends who loved each other—Jenna, Locke, and Kara. And after a terrible accident destroyed their bodies, their three minds were kept alive, spinning in a digital netherworld. Even in that disembodied nightmare, they were still together. At least at first. When Jenna disappeared, Locke and Kara had to go on without her. Decades passed, and then centuries.

Two-hundred-and-sixty years later, they have been released at last. Given new, perfect bodies, Locke and Kara awaken to a world they know nothing about, where everyone they once knew and loved is long dead.
 Everyone except Jenna Fox.
Doesn't that sound good? My only dilemma now is Kindle or Audible.

Any other Jenna Fox fans out there? What other books are you waiting for?


  1. I can't wait for this... but I have to find time to read Jenna Fox first.

  2. Sounds awesome! Thanks for the heads-up.

    I have to say I am deeply in love with the puzzle covers for this series.

  3. Just clicked to order. Mary's a phenomenal writer. I've read most of her novels and the bright prose and well drawn characters really stand out (my review of Adoration here).

  4. Oh, I didn't know there was a sequel coming out. Thank you!

  5. OMG I didn't know there was a sequel!!! I loved Jenna Fox and thought it was fine as a standalone, but I'm really excited for this one now. Thanks for the heads up! Yay!

  6. I'm just upset I have to wait until AUGUST for this! ;)

    Loved the way Jenna Fox made me think.

  7. I hear ya, Tere! And I thought Jenna Fox was a stand alone, too, until I saw a note on FB about book 2.

  8. Okay, so I've been living under a rock. I've never heard of these books. Thanks for the review. One more book on list of to-reads.
