
01 April 2011

A Fortunate April Fool

When I heard my release date was April 1st, my first thought was: “Oh, no. This is some cruel April Fool’s joke!”  I’d wake up today, Bobby Ewing would step out of the shower, and it’ll have been just a dream.  A good one, but there’d be no book.

But April isn’t the cruelest month after all. (My apologies to TS Eliot.)


And I’m feeling incredibly fortunate.

…that I have supportive friends and family who’ve believed in me all along.

…that I attended that SCBWI conference and submitted Memento Nora to a fantastic editor at Marshall Cavendish who saw some glimmer of potential in the book.

…that I found an equally fantastic agent who fell in love with Nora, Micah, and Winter—and texted me from the bathroom of another author’s book launch to tell me so.

…that I stumbled upon a great outside-the-box publicist who saw ways to engage readers that I never imagined.

…that I’m surrounded by wonderful community of my fellow YA/MG debuts—from which came this opportunity to blog alongside four other great writers.

…for the love you guys (readers, writers, and bloggers alike) have shown so far for Memento Nora.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

JUST JOKING!  I’ve always wanted to end a post that way. 

But really … Many, many thanks to everyone!

Oh, I almost forgot. The winner of the Memento Nora Challenge is:

Emily a.k.a WilowRaven

Congrats! I'll get that prize out to you as soon as I get your mailing address!


  1. Congratulations on your Book Birthday!! Whoopi! I'll add it to my tbr list :-D

  2. Okay, you totally fooled me at first. Very funny. I'm still excited for you.

  3. Congrats on your release today! I hope today will also bring my copy. Can't wait to read it!

  4. {{{hugs}}}

    Congrats on your release, Angie!!!

  5. Woo hoo! What an exciting day! Yay for MEMENTO NORA being out in the wild!

  6. What a fabulous list of gratefulness. Happy book release!

  7. Congratulations! I've had this on pre-order since December. Can't wait to read it!!

  8. Congrats, Angie! I'm really looking forward to this one!

  9. The C-Cups are so looking forward to your book launch.

  10. Congrats and thank you!
    I replied to your email - glad it wasn't an April Fools joke :)
