
17 March 2011

YA/MG Community Mobilizes to Help Japan

Wow. I’m sure we’ve all been thinking about Japan this week.  Many of you have no doubt already done something to help, such as donate to the Red Cross.  (btw, Amazon makes it really easy to donate to the Red Cross.using their payment system.)

(AP Photo/NHK TV)

The Huffington Post put together a great list of earthquake relief efforts in “How to Help Japan: Earthquake Relief Options.” They highlight many, many great organizations, from Save the Children to the International Animal Welfare Fund.

I thought I’d take today to highlight several relief efforts by the YA/MG community.

Author Maureen Johnson raised nearly $15,000 for Shelterbox in a few days. (She'd raised about the same amount for New Zealand not too long ago.) Shelterbox is an international relief charity that delivers emergency shelters and supplies to disaster areas.  Her fundraiser is over, but you can still donate to Shelterbox directly.  

A Shelterbox on the way to Japan.

An international group of kidlit writers with a connection to Japan have formed Write Hope.  They’re putting together an auction of books, critiques, and other prizes over the next few weeks.  (Psst, you might even be able to win a signed ARC of Memento Nora.)  The proceeds will go to Save the Children’s relief fund.

Write Hope's mascot, Nozomi.
Author (and Class of 2k7 founder) Greg Fishbone is also putting together an auction to benefit Japan: Children's Authors & Illustrators for Japan (aka, KidLit4Japan).   Authors and illustrators can donate items or services for the auction. Items will go up for bid one at a time with bidding open on each item for 14 days. Winning bidders will send their donations directly to UNICEF, which is providing basic needs services specifically to children in the affected area.  Greg has also set up an @kidlit4japan account and #kidlit4japan hashtag on Twitter to help get the word out.

Do you guys know of any other authors or writers’ organizations that are doing something for Japanese disaster relief?  If so, please share the details below.  My challenge to you is to go forth and help, if you haven't already (and even if you have).  Japan is going to need help for awhile to recover from a disaster of this magnitude.


  1. Here's another one, Angie. It concludes March 20th. Authors for Japan.

  2. I don't know of any other ways to help at this time, but just wanted to say how great it is how the writing community comes together to help people during times of need.

  3. Oh I'm so glad someone put up Authors for Japan which is a HUGE fundraising event from the UK community :) There are TONS of AMAZING things to bid for which include signed books, critiques, mentoring and more.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing these. I have been trying to find relief efforts backed by writers and illustrators. Thank you!

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