
23 March 2011

Woo-Hoo! The Last League Book Cover!

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to share my excitement over on this side of the blogging world. Last week I was finally given the ahead to show go off my brand spanking new book cover and blurb. I put it up on my personal blog late last week but wanted to make sure all my friends here at the League blog saw it as well.

Here it is! (click image for extra mind blowing bigness)


Snazzy, huh? I couldn't be happier and that blurb is, well, still kind of a mindblower.

To celebrate I'm doing my first ever ARC giveaway over on my blog. Just leave a little comment and I'll enter you into the drawing. I'm picking the winner at the end of the day tomorrow, Thursday, the 24th.


  1. It's almost impossible to decide whether the cover or the blurb is cooler. Wow. Just wow.

    I actually saw the cover on some blog a couple days ago, and loved it, but they didn't mention the blurb.

  2. Wow! The cover is awesome, but the blurb - what more could you ask for? Congrats!

  3. Thanks everybody! I can't quite get over it myself. It's awesome finally getting to share them both!

  4. I love it!! The colors are so powerful. :-)

  5. Seriously, this cover makes me want to read this book. It's just awesomesauce.

  6. Very cool! Awesome cover and sweet blurb! Congratulations!

  7. The cover is gorgeous! And the blurb? Completely awesome! :) Congrats
