
04 March 2011

Favorite Part of the Publishing Process

There are so many sides to publishing, I think we need to build a triangular prism or something, beam a bunch of light through it, and each of the separated rays would be one little slice of the publishing journey. It's that multi-faceted.

Today, I'm going to discuss the creative side--my favorite side. The writing side. Even within this scope of things, there are several different angles to consider.

Today, I'm wondering which you like more: the actual writing of a first draft or the revising/editing of that draft.

For me, there's nothing quite like spewing up the story the first time. It's freeing and joyous and rewarding.

But let's face it. That first draft isn't usually cohesive, well-paced, or our best writing. (Unless you outline. Then I think the first draft isn't quite in shambles. But I don't outline. So my first drafts? A bit on the messy side. And by "bit," I mean, "undeniably horrifically messy.")

And even if you do outline, I'm willing to bet you still have some revisions to do.

This is my favorite part of publishing. Since I have world-building to do, I love to go back into a story and strengthen the world I've created. Most of the time, I'm not really sure I know everything about the world until that first draft is written. So it's a treat to go back in and really make it shine.

I like to revise to make my character more human. Make them fit (or not fit) into the newly-polished world. Just like with the world, I often don't really know my character until the first draft is written. And I believe the world and the character are intertwined to the point that they influence each other heavily.

So revising is absolutely the best part of the publishing process for me. What's your favorite part? Are you more into the creative aspect? The business side? What specifically about publishing do you just love with all your heart and liver?


  1. So far that creative part is my favorite, but I haven't experienced much beyond creating and editing.

  2. I love typing the last sentence of the first draft, then revising it to make it so much better. I love it all! I think one of my fave parts is sharing the wip with my online betas and getting their feedback - they think of things and see things I didn't. I look forward to their emails and comments all day long as I write!

  3. I love the ideas that emerge in the editing process, but hate when I think it's done only to find it needs 'one more' round.

  4. I love writing my first draft. Absolutely love it. Like falling in love for the first time.

  5. Vomiting my way through the first draft was the greatest high I have ever lived through, but I have to say, as much as I hated revisions at first, I'm sort of getting to the point where I like them. A little.

  6. I LOVE revision! Am I weird? I love making the story work - love the little bombs my muse drops, which makes rewriting exciting. I love the feeling that with each step, I am getting closer and closer to my goals - getting published!

  7. I love getting my ideas out onto paper. Since I'm not an outliner either, writing a first draft is like telling myself a story. I usually don't know what's going to happen and I'm almost always surprised. It's awesome.

  8. Hands down my favorite part is writing the first draft. I love the discovery of everything and living my characters as they grow and the way the surprise me. And I love those ah-ha moments! And then getting the first feedback. I'm a feedback mongrel, lol.

  9. First draft for sure. It's so much fun to see a scene come to life -- quite a rush. Revision can be fun when you have a big idea that makes the story much better already resolved, and you just need to get it on paper. And getting line editing back isn't half bad. But all the parts after the first draft have a bit of a slog and a lot of waiting built in.

  10. I like planning the novel and writing the story for the first time! Even though I outline, I often deviate from it as the story takes me in new directions (super fun!). So when I'm finished, the first draft revision can be overwhelming. Once I get through that, I enjoy the revision processes a lot more!

  11. The first draft has got to be my favourite part of the process. That courtship with a new and fantastic story you love, where anything is possible and even you don't yet know the ending. That's the best part.

  12. My favorite part is the pre-draft, pre-outlining. :) It's when parts of the story just come, little bits of conversations and emotions and backstory. It doesn't have to fit together (in fact, it doesn't), doesn't really have to make sense or be entertaining. It's just snapshots, and those are my favorite part.
