
08 March 2011

But, I guess it COULD happen...

I already had today's post in mind when I read Beth's post from yesterday about "What Don't You Think Will Happen?"

The responses were interesting. I, too, had heard that there are physicists working on teleportation - so, yeah, I think that's eventually going to happen. And... I'm pretty sure that there are parts of today's world that are as bad as The Hunger Games. Yup... and, honestly - it hasn't been the too distant past where societies were pretty darn close (uh... Roman gladiators, Christians vs Lions... ) Sadly, I think humans are capable of Hunger Games' kind of thinking.

But... the one that I was totally in agreement with Beth about was the whole zombie thing. I mean, come on... zombies? For realz? Until... I saw this article on Zombie Animals! And, duh... I found it really disturbing. As in... O.M.G.! Disturbing!

Zombie Grasshopper!


Anyway... what I was really planning on posting about today are two things that I think COULD happen - one of which that might not seem too creepy - at first.

Keeping track of people by GPS . Of course, this article shows the advantages of having each student fitted with a GPS. It's all about safety. Yep - it is. When my kids were younger, as a parent, I think I would've loved being able to see where my child was - at any time.

However, as said child... there would come a point where I wouldn't want my mom, or anyone, to be able to track me down 24/7. And, as an adult - no way - nuh uh - keep your hands off my whereabouts!

Sure, there is a place for something like GPS fitting - I bet you can give me instances where you think it would be a good idea. Please let me know, in the comments, what's an acceptable level - in your estimation - of being able to be tracked!

Male overpopulation. (or The Batchelor Generation!) This is not necessarily good news for single females. For some time now, I've been wondering when countries that favor male births over female were going to realize that it won't be long before they have a huge surplus of marriageable age young men. When testosterone levels rise - and there are not enough women to go around - what is going to happen? That's a capped toothpaste tube just waiting to be squeezed!

So - what kinds of things do you see happening that you think are harbingers of the future? (Oh, I wanted to write harbingers of Spring - cause, darn it!, I want it to be Spring - NOW!)  Anyway... it's your turn - what d'ya think?

Oh - and for the next two weeks, I'll be up to my eyeballs in edits on the sequel to XVI --- TRUTH. So, I'm having a guest poster for those two days. Be sure to tune in next Tuesday to find out what dystopian author Susanne Winnacker  has in store for League readers!


  1. That Zombie grasshopper creeps me out. Will have nightmares.
    I really don't get why some countries favor male births. It makes my bloodpressure rise! But it's certainly an interesting playground for demographers...
    Thanks for the shout out, btw! :)

  2. My prediction: One of these days cats are going to grow opposable thumbs. And then we're all screwed.

  3. Hey, Susanne! Looking forward to your guest posts!

    Elizabeth - you've seen the vid, right? :)

  4. Ugh. That zombie insect article was too gross! I agree with the GPS tracking. No way I'd want others to have the ability to monitor me 24/7.

  5. Bleck, bleck, bleck. I may not be able to sleep tonight, thank you very much. :)
    I actually have a book where women simply aren't born. It's pretty awesome, IMO.

  6. Bleck, bleck, bleck. I may not be able to sleep tonight, thank you very much. :)
    I actually have a book where women simply aren't born. It's pretty awesome, IMO.

  7. Anything is actually possibly when anybody says it is possible. But with the teleportation thing? That's way too impossible.

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  8. The dystopian GPS tracking device is actually happening now. And--AND--people are lining up to get them. Is that an iPhone in your hand or are you just happy to see me?

    I have a DROID and three or four of the apps require that I have the GPS enabled. If someone wanted to find me, all they would have to do is call my cell provider say they were from the FBI and ask for my number. Fortunately, I don't think I'm that important for anything like that to happen...

  9. I know two families who have children with severe special needs, who are also little escape artists. They each have a bracelet that allows local law enforcement to find them if they disappear. Do I think EVERY child should be fitted with them? No (just mine! Kidding. Maybe.) In those cases, however, and perhaps in adults with Alzheimer's, etc., I think the good outweighs the bad.

    Several years ago I gave a teen who was staying with me the Disney phone with the GPS tracking. Proved useful when her phone was 'borrowed' by another teen without her knowledge, and unfortunately, had to be used by me to track her whereabouts.

  10. That is the thing, Turtles... it has good & bad points. It's all in who is using it & why - doesn't it?
