
21 February 2011

What Did You Miss The First Time?

Here's my dark secret: as much of a browncoat as I am, I didn't see Firefly when it first aired.

I know. I know. I saw it very soon after--through my boyfriend-who-I-later-married, but the original Fox airings of the infamously cancelled show? Didn't see them.

Recently, Firefly came back on the radar because it's going to be re-aired in high-def on a network channel. When a friend posted about it on Facebook, I was surprised to see how many comments below it confessed my own dark secret--that they had either not seen the show originally broadcasted, or that they had still not seen the show.

Of course, Firefly wasn't my only television faux pas: I'm also only just now seeing Battlestar Gallactica on DVD.

And there are many classic sci fi and dystopian books I've either not read yet or read ridiculously late. I somehow got out of reading 1984 in both high school and college, and while I now own a copy of Handmaid's Tale, I've not yet had a chance to read it. (Sorry, Julia!)

So, share my shame with me: what classic or popular work have you just not gotten to? Did you miss it when it first aired, or avoid reading it in school and still haven't given it a chance? Do you plan to--or are you happy to have by-passed it? 


  1. I haven't seen it either. I also haven't seen Lost, or any of the other much talked about shows. I am a pathetic excuse for an American.

  2. You're going to love Battlestar! It's one of my favorite shows. Somehow, I never had to read probably the most important book in American literature--To Kill a Mockingbird. It's shameful, and I've been ashamed of not having read it for so long I don't know why I don't just read it already! I've seen the movie and loved it, so it's just CRAY-ZAY I haven't read it yet.

  3. My shame is worse - I watched Firefly from the start but hated it. The hybrid cowboy sci-fi was weird. Around about episode 5 I realised I loved it. I found it a slow grower. (Unlike The Doll's House - which I can't find it in me to care about.
    )I loved Battlestar to.

  4. Dr Who - any of the Doctors. There, I've said it.

    Hubby and my eldest daughter watch it over and over, we have DVD's and I still haven't seen it. Plus, while I'm throwing my dignity to the wolves, I have also not seen the last episode of the Lord of the Rings movies (or plan to).

    Firefly was pretty good (not Buffy good, but still).

  5. I still haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird. It was never on any of my reading lists in school, and as I got older, it never came up. Lately I've heard so many people talk about how it's their favorite book. I should really just read it already. I started to once and then got distracted with some other shiny books.

  6. I also haven't seen Firefly (even though I've had the entire series on DVD sitting on my shelf for 2 years... whoops).

  7. My daughter loves Firefly, but I still haven't seen it. She's told me all about the plot, the characters, etc., but I just haven't found the urge. Maybe when it comes out again.

    My secret shame is that I've never read Andre Norton - except for one middle grade she did. I keep meaning to, and then I get another pile of new books and she gets shunted aside.

  8. I haven't seen it either and I've also never seen 24 and I didn't watch LOST.

  9. I watched Firefly when it originally aired and I felt sort of meh about it--it just didn't seem to have much in the way of continuity. Then I found out it was because it was aired out of order. Aha! Watching it on DVD was a much more satisfying experience. And honestly, I can't think of a better way to watch BSG than on DVD--it was torture to have to wait a week or even longer for new episodes!!

  10. Don't feel bad, I didn't watch Firefly until last year or so. I didn't watch anything Joss Whedon until Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog came out, and I still haven't made it to Buffy. I also haven't seen Heroes, Lost or any of those type shows (I'm not much one for watching while stuff is on - I find it online later). Oh and I stopped Battlestar Galactica halfway through the second season 2 years ago, and still haven't picked it back up. I know, I'm a bad nerd.

    As for books, I'm ashamed to say I still haven't read 1984 or Brave New World. I have 1984 sitting accusingly on my shelf right next to my computer, but there are so many other shiny books sitting around that I just haven't bothered!

  11. I have just now gotten around to Buffy and Angel, which makes me a really bad Fantasy nerd. As for books, I am always behind the times in YA. I just got around to reading The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare (and it was fantastic!), but I pride myself of being ahead of the game in the adult and MG sections of the book store.

  12. I just discovered Firefly last month and watched Serenity this weekend. Shame on me for not discovering it earlier.

    Also, The Shawshank Redemption. I didn't see it the first time until 5 or 6 years after it came out. Now, I can't count the number of times I've seen it.

  13. My regards to the Doctor(s), but I've never watched any incarnation of Dr. Who.

  14. My regards to the Doctor(s), but I've never watched any incarnation of Dr. Who.

  15. Tee Hee! Beth - I did not read The Handmaid's Tale until after XVI was copy edited!

  16. I have not read Hunger Games...yet. But thanks to a John Brown workshop, I've had the first four pages read to me. Can't wait to finish.
