
08 February 2011

Tech Tuesday - Robots - Gotta love 'em!

Well, maybe...

In XVI, I introduced "Hal," the robotic hall monitor in schools. Hal stands for Hall Access Limiter. And, they look a lot like humans - but, they all look alike.

There are robots in use all over the world. Of course, they don't necessarily look humaniod at all. They tend to look like this.

or like this...

But... there are other much more human looking - and acting. Like the ones in the following linked photo list.

My question to you... how do you feel about technology making robots more and more "human?" Do you think it's a good idea? Are you willing to interact on a personal level with a non-human (but created by humans) life form? Or is it really a "life" form?

Dear readers - what are your thoughts?


  1. I'm reading XVI right now and at the first mention of HAL, I giggled. Reminded me of HAL 9000. Love it!

    Human-esque robots tweek me out. I don't like cars that talk in feminine voices. I don't like human looking machines (excluding Data, who is awesome). Something to do with the uncanny valley, I'm sure, except my idea of that valley encompasses ANYTHING close to human. Machines should stay machines.

    Scribbler to Scribe

  2. I wouldn't mind interacting with robots. I work with the unmanned ground vehicle variety at my day job, so I've gotten used to the idea of cars driving themselves. Robots are currently in a newborn kind of stage, and their progress is slow enough that by the time they reach toddlerhood, everyone will be used to it. (Certain autonomous assist features like auto cruise, parking, and emergency braking are already available in cars. Not to mention ABS and ESC.)

  3. I'm was pretty sure Wall-E was the start of the robot revolution. Glad the article backs me up on that.

    On the other hand, I've been looking forward to androids my entire life. I blame Star Trek TNG.

  4. I read once that it was estimated that marrying robots would become legal in Massachusetts in 2050. Sure, it's just an estimation, but I see us becoming closer and closer to that as technology advances. Personally, it doesn't bother me at all. As long as no one is harmed, I feel people should live as they please. Also as soon as it's possible, I'm buying a robot to clean my house and cook my meals lol. Which, btw, I read an article last month where Korea had said they plan to have a robot in every household worldwide by 2015-- which, of course, made me think of iRobot ;)

  5. I do not like the robots in the film "I robot" creepy, manipulative, demonic bad guys.
    I do like the robots in "Iron Man" submissive, obedient, more like pets.

    I don't want to comand a human face! besides, it doesn't add to the mechanical functionality. I want to boss it around without feeling like I am an oppressive, racisit slave driver. If it is human, I have to treat it like a human, but I want to treat it like a robot!

  6. Interacting is sort of a lose term. Already we "work with" technology all the time. I can't imagine a point where robots would *really* be like humans, but it could be interesting to have a robot bff. Somehow I doubt they'd be as compassionate...

  7. The more robots look like humans, the more creeptastic they get. It's called the uncanny valley.

  8. Interesting comments all! Yes, we do already interact with lots of "robots" in various forms! And, yes, Matthew - the uncanny valley hypothesis is very interesting!
