
10 February 2011

2012 Debut Dystopians

Most of us here at the League are Elevensies, that is we’re part of a community of YA/MG authors debuting this year. Next year’s group of debs has already started forming, and you’re going to love their name: the Apocalypsies. (You know, the whole 2012, world-coming-to-an-end thing.)

Anyway, I was browsing through their site, and I noticed that there are quite a few dystopian titles coming out next year. (Coincidence?) Here’s a few of them by our fellow debs:

The Other Life By Susan Winnacker
Marshall Cavendish, Spring 2012

From Goodreads:

Sherry and her family have lived sealed in a bunker in the garden since things went wrong up above. Her grandfather has been in the freezer for the last three months, her parents are at each other’s throats and two minutes ago they ran out of food.

Sherry and her father leave the safety of the bunker and find a devastated and empty LA, smashed to pieces by bombs and haunted by ‘Weepers’ - rabid humans infected with a weaponized rabies virus.

While searching for food in a supermarket, Sherry’s father disappears and Sherry is saved by Joshua, a boy-hunter. He takes her to Safe-haven, a tumble-down vineyard in the hills outside LA, where a handful of other survivors are picking up the pieces of their ‘other lives’. As she falls in love for the first time, Sherry must save her father, stay alive and keep Joshua safe when his desire for vengeance threatens them all.
Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
Katherine Tegan/Harper Collins Winter 2012

From Goodreads:

About the only girl who is new in a world where everyone is perpetually reincarnated, and her quest to discover why she was born, and what happened to the person she replaced.

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

Harper, Winter 2012

From the Publishers Marketplace announcement:

… about forbidden lovers from radically different societies - following a girl banished from her enclosed, technology-bound city out into the deadly natural world, where she encounters a savage boy who becomes her only chance to survive and return home…

Cybernetic by Laura Riken
Disney Hyperion, Summer 2012

From Goodreads:

Cybernetic is the first in a young adult dystopian series about a 16-year-old girl who lives in a walled city surrounded by bloodthirsty beasts, also threatened by rival armies of cybernetic soldiers who want to enslave humanity. Cybernetic is tentatively set for publication in the summer 2012 by Disney-Hyperion.
I hope I didn't miss anyone. Not every Apocalypsies' book description is online yet, so there may be even more dystopia on its way next year.

What dystopian titles (debut or repeat offender) are you looking forward to  next year? Or even late this year? (Ours go without saying, btw.)


Glitch by Heather Anastasiu
St. Martins, Summer 2012

From her website:

Seventeen-year-old Zoe Gray is a cybernetically-enhanced teenager living in an underground society when her internal hardware begins to malfunction. She slowly realizes that her body is changing, that she’s developing powerful telekinesis, and that she’s not alone. Even though getting caught could mean reprogramming, or worse, deactivation, Zoe begins to seek out other glitchers in society, including a dreamer named Adrian who can see the future, a boy named Max who can mimic other’s appearances, and a young girl named Molly with X-ray vision. They work together to plan their escape, but soon learn there is another powerful faction at work whose ambitions threaten all their carefully laid plans.

Thanks for pointing it out in the comments!


  1. Legend by Marie Lu! It's coming out this Fall.
    Eve by Anna Carey! It's out 2012.


  2. I already had first three on my wishlist, but I haven't seen the fourth mentioned anywhere else before, so thanks for introducing me to something new :-) Off to find out about Laura Riken...

  3. I think it will be called The Sunken Cities. Anyway it's the follow up to Ship Breaker and I cannot wait.

  4. Apocalypsies is so cute! Mine is *my* debut dystopian, though not a debut: For Darkness Shows the Stars.

  5. So, this is my all-time favorite genre to read. I don't think that I'll ever get sick of it. **Off to put these titles on my wishlist!**

  6. Thanks for the tips. Legend looks good.

  7. Now I'm desperately looking forward to The Other Life. Wow, that description is amazing...thanks for this awesome post!

  8. I have yet to hear of any of these, but they all sound very interesting. I love dystopian novels, so I'm very excited for so many of the Apocalypsies books. Incarnate sounds incredible.

  9. Yay! I LOVE dystopian YA! Thanks for the info! :)

  10. Awesome titles! I'd heard of just two of these. Thanks, Angie!

  11. I'd heard of Under the Never Sky so that's already on my radar but thanks for the heads up on the rest. DAMN, all of these books are going on the want list...

  12. Hi! I'm an Apocalypsie with a dystopian debut too :) The deal with St. Martin's Press just went down a couple weeks ago, so I haven't set up a goodreads, but there's a quick summary in this blogpost:

    I've been following The League for awhile now, I'm so glad to join the illustrious ranks of YA dystopian writers!

  13. Thanks, Heather! Your book looks awesome. I'm gonna add it to the post.

  14. Why do I feel so stupid now? I never knew there were so many amazing new books coming out. Thank you for enlightening me.

  15. I am SOOO adding these to my TBR pile. :-D

  16. Thank you so much for mentioning INCARNATE! (And now I know where all those extra Goodreads adds came from! <3 <3 <3)

  17. @Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books)

    INCARNATE is incredible.

  18. I can't wait to read all the upcoming dystopians!
    And thank you so much for mentioning The Other Life! :D

  19. How did I only just see this? Thanks for the mention of Under the Never Sky! This is amazing company to be in!
