
18 January 2011

Tech Tuesday - Holograms - reach out & touch the future!

I love holograms! My first interaction with them was at the Luxor in Las Vegas a million years ago. I was hooked. They are fascinating!

Then I recently saw this... which actually kind of freaks me out - okay?

But, there is also this... which is very cool and has excellent (useful) applications.

I dunno - but, I think this stuff is amazing, even if, in the case of the pop star - a little creepy.

What do you think?


  1. Definitely amazing! Thank you for sharing those videos.

  2. Dude! The audience singing with the Holo Anime freaks me too. And Touchable Holograms ... um, Holodeck, anyone?

  3. Ever heard of the Uncanny Valley?


    Still, that touchable hologram looks like it could be cool, if they tweaked it to work a little more smoothly.

  4. Re: Uncanny Valley - I wonder if the singer works because she's not that human looking? I mean - she definitely looks like a comic book or cartoon character.

  5. I love Miku... The computer program that creates her voice is superb. Japan is amazing (here's a tidbit, she's actually a mascot for blood donation).

  6. Cheree - Miku is truly amazing! Very cool that she's a mascot for blood donation. Japan is incredible in technology! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. That is so creepy but also so very cool. I find I am conflicted. Haha.

  8. Very cool, but yeah...really, all these people are getting THAT excited over something that's not even a real person? Looks like Sailor Moon or anime (ok, it's probably supposed to, too).
