
21 January 2011

Celebrating YA Science Fiction

So there's been some excitement recently, what with the announcement of the Newberry, Caldecott, and Printz awards. The 2011 Printz was given to SHIP BREAKER, a fabulous young adult science fiction novel.

2011 Printz Winner

Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi published by Little, Brown and Company, a division of Hachette Book Group

In Ship Breaker, near a drowned New Orleans ravaged by hurricanes and global warming, Nailer and his young crew eke out a meager existence by scavenging materials on the ship-littered coast.

“This taut, suspenseful novel is a relentless adventure story featuring nuanced characters in thought-provoking conflicts. Bacigalupi artfully intertwines themes of loyalty, family, friendship, trust and love,” said Printz Award Committee Chair Erin Downey Howerton.

Another fabulous young adult novel has achieved acclaim. Beth Revis's ACROSS THE UNIVERSE debuted at #7 on the New York Times bestseller list. Congrats Beth!

I've read both SHIP BREAKER and ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, and they are brilliant examples of great young adult science fiction. What have you read lately in the sci fi genre that is paving the way with greatness?


  1. I read Ship Breaker after winning it on Karen Amanda Hooper's blog, and I have to say it was the best YA novel I read all last year. Very deserving of the reward.

    I've only read part of AtU so far, but I won't be surprised if it ends up being the best YA novel I read this year.

  2. my b-day is coming up and both those are on the TOP of my b-day list, so i'm crossing my fingers i'll be reading them soon.
    otherwise, i'm gonna have to hit the book store

  3. These were two of the best books I'd read in a long time, so I'm so happy they're getting the recognition they deserve!

    I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I did.

  4. Ahem - and don't forget the Cybils! You can go here:

    for the sci-fi shortlists (which include Ship Breaker as well.)

    Across the Universe is finally on the processing cart, and my name is in big capital letters on the card...waiting impatiently!

    WV: binfur - it has binfur too long since I could sink my teeth into some good sci-fi.

  5. Ship Breaker is on my iPod, waiting to be listened to--right after I finish the Book Thief. And AtU is fab and well deserves to debut on the NYT bestseller list. Yay, Beth!!!

  6. Finished AtU this week and really enjoyed it! Ship Breaker is being added to my TBR pile as we speak. :)

  7. I read Across the Universe this week and really liked it! That's also awesome that Ship Breaker got the Printz, I checked it out from the library a few days ago and now I want to read it more than ever.

  8. I shall put it on my book list.

    Thanks, sounds good.

    Jacqueline Howett, Author of The Greek Seaman.
