
15 October 2010

Unpredictability Factor

Okay, so we've been talking scary this week. Horror. Ghost stories. All that jazz. I am so out of my element in this, because dude you guys, I am the biggest wimp on the planet. I do not like scary things. At all.

I do not like haunted houses. I do not like horror flicks. I do not, dare I say it? I do. I do not like Halloween. *ducks* *hides* There are many reasons for my almost-hatred of Halloween, but one of them is the fact that I do not like being scared. On purpose. For fun.

That is so not fun to me.

I do, however, really enjoy suspense. Tension. Think THE SIXTH SENSE and SIGNS and THE FORGOTTEN and KNOWING (especially KNOWING).

I like smart suspense in movies and books that take me on a twisty road I can't anticipate. I like that. I like going, "No WAY!" at the climax. I like being right there, on the edge, but I'm not into the blood/guts/gore/jumping out from behind a bush with a chainsaw type of scary.

I do enjoy reading ghost stories and the like, but as I said earlier, for me, it's more about the twist, the unpredictability than the actual fear factor. What about you? What gets your heart racing?


  1. I'm with you. It's not the fear/horror but the minute to minute suspense with psychological thrillers. I'm not into the gore or visuals that go with it.

  2. I'm so with you on this one as well, Elana. I've seen the film Knowing...I didn't like the ending, so sad. I hide my face in my hands when I watch horror films...and I switch the volume off! Ha! :) If I don't, I'd faint. LOL.

  3. I'm totally a wimp when it comes to scary movies and such. I actually really like things that get your adrenaline pumping for a thrill. You know, roller coasters, skydiving...okay I haven't really tried skydiving, but it's on my short list.

  4. Katie, I do like roller coasters too. Skydiving not so much (not that I've tried). I don't typically do things that I could die doing. That's why movies and books are awesome--they're safe!! :)

    Len, oh, too bad about the ending. I hate that in books too (if I don't like the ending).

    Laura, yes! The minute-to-minute suspense is what I like.

  5. Overlooking the fact that you don't like my favorite holiday ever...suspense is awesome! It makes me nervous because, obviously it's supposed to, but because I'm afraid the conclusion wont live up to all the suspense before it. And then all that nervousness will be for nothing!

    Knowing was good then? Need to see it.

  6. I'm kinda with you. I like suspense and intrigue, and loved Sixth Sense. But when a story turns to evil psychotic stuff I'm out of there pretty dang quick. I know it's all stupid and made up, but all the same my sleep is important to me.

  7. A woman after my own heart. Give me "I see dead people" over watching them die any day.

  8. I'm with you. I don't like scary scary and love twisty suspense.

  9. I am STILL having nightmares about horror movies my dad let me watch as a kid. Friday the 13th? Getting goosebumps just thinking about it.

    But I totally agree with you, I love the twist, the unexpected. There is nothing FINER than than an excellent plot twist that makes you go "I never saw that coming!" and "But of course! It HAD to happen that way."

  10. Eek, no, I can't do horror or creepy scary. Especially if it's something that can come true in any way. It's rare for me to enjoy a book like that (I think (the only exception was probably Kim Derting's THE BODY FINDER, which I enjoyed). But suspense, I'm all for! I whipped through THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH--okay so I had to skip a page or two when it got way too intense, but oh my gosh, I couldn't put it down! Smart suspense is fantastic. I need to see KNOWING!

  11. Wow. Someone who doesn't like Halloween. I'm shocked Elana. Do you not like puppies either? Or happiness?

    I do love horror, but not the bloody gory stuff really. Mainly because I don't think it's very scary. For me it's all about an unsettling atmosphere. Rosemary's Baby. The Ring. Blair Witch.

    Here's a weird one, The Mothman Prophecies. Anyone see that? That movie scared the crap out of me. Literally couldn't sleep for a few nights. No blood and guts in that one at all, just this overwhelming and unsettling feeling of dread and wrongness.

  12. Jeff, I am terrified of The Ring, even to this day. That kind of stuff creeps me out. I don't know what the difference is between that and say, SIGNS. Aliens maybe? I don't know. But I still have nightmares about The Ring.

    And dude! I really am not a fan of puppies either... Don't hate me!

  13. No puppies or Halloween? Dude! I'm with Jeff on this. I'm not a fan of gore or slasher movies AT ALL, but I do love suspense and atmosphere -- like Rosemary's Baby, Psycho, and Paranormal Activity.

  14. I don't EVER do horror movies. Books, different story. Buy I love edge-of-my-seat suspense. But Halloween? My favorite.

  15. I am so right there with you about horror... suspense is so much more exciting that gore to me! One reason I love horror stories as opposed to movies. The stories are all about feel. Like Lovecraft, Hitchcock... Terrify me, don't spray me with nasty fake blood!

  16. Angie and Cinette, sorry! I like you know, Independence Day and stuff like that. Does that count at all? Le sigh, probably not.

    Lily--yes! I should read more horror, I suppose. I did like I AM NOT A SERIAL KILLER by Dan Wells, and that's pretty suspenseful.
