
24 September 2010

I Wish...

Okay, for the record, I'm not the most patient person on the planet when it comes to driving. I want to go faster. I loathe the time I spend in the car, trying to get from one place to another. So I really wish someone would invent the whole transporter thing they use in Star Trek.

I mean, to be able to simply say your destination and be beamed there, purse and all? How awesome would that be? AWESOME.

Not to mention it would make my life so much easier. It would make so many things better. No oil, no gas, no car repairs, nothing along those lines.

I'm not much into hovercars (who needs a car when you can transport??) or anything like that. But some kind of teleporter/transporter? YES. I wish that technology existed today.

What do you wish we had now? How would it make your life easier? How would it change life as we know it?

It's thinking about this kind of stuff, and what kind of life/society it might produce that leads to amazing science fiction and dystopian works--like those super sweet transporters on Star Trek.



  1. I want a transporter just so I can travel without the pain of going through long, boring, annoying flights! I would go so many more places if I could be there instantly.

  2. I would love a time machine. Something to give me more time during the day to work on my writing and also spend time with my family. (Should do housework too.)

  3. Definitely with you on the transporter, Elana! I'd travel lots more if I could go that way!

    And, those scanners that Bones used to get all vital signs and health issues - yeah. No more giant MRIs!

    A cook center where you put in preprogrammed recipes and it does all the measuring, mixing, cooking and then voile! Out comes the meal! (Well, I confess - I have one of those - in XVI ! lol!)

  4. A droid to do all the chores would be nice, but transporters would probably be more important for society on the whole.

  5. a transporter. I want one so bad. That was the best part of Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie. Traveling with just a blink or a snap of the fingers. *travel style envy*

  6. A transporter would be amazing. And maybe a pill or something that allows you to eat as much as you like without gaining weight. A girl's allowed to dream, right?

  7. Oh, Susanne, I love you. This kind of pill is so what we need. And yes, blinking or snapping of fingers to travel would be lovely.

  8. I want a hoverboard. I'm not sure how life changing it would be, but Back to the Future promised they would be available in 2015, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    Anti-gravity would be awesome though. It would get rid of all the ridiculous thrust to weight ratios necessary to get off the earth and then maybe space travel would be a little easier.

  9. that would be crazy awesome. But, you know, old people would still find a way to slow the transportation system down somehow.

    I would love one of those things that you step into and a ring runs around your body and your fully clothed, make-uped, and hair-did.

  10. I would love, love, love a transporter. Skipping my daily commute would be heavenly. And no more traffic... You guys had some great ideas. The instead food thing would be fantastic. As would the magical machine that gets you ready in seconds in the morning. My personal wish is for something that would allow me to read minds. Only when I wanted to (and of course, only I could have one). Life would be so much easier if I didn't always have to guess what people were thinking.

  11. Yup, the transporter is the be-all end-all of sci-fi inventions. So cool in Trek, but the Fly? Not so much. ;)

  12. I could use some extendable arms like ElastiGirl's on the Incredibles. Mine would be detachable, of course, 'cause who wants to look like an octopus when you're going out at night, but really, extra arms would take multitasking to a whole new level. Also I would invent a way to download thoughts into a computer. I would have super amazing lightning fast writing skills then.
