
14 September 2010

Getting the First Draft Done!

More writing advice - this time via vlog... I am sharing this, too, with the writer folks who are doing "Complete Your Draft - 2010" here and here. Hopefully, I can get my own 1st draft of book 2 completed and help some other writers at the same time!


  1. LOVE THIS. Thanks for posting about this, I was nodding all the way through..thinking I know this and now I just have to DO IT!

  2. Great stuff Julia! Write through the crap. Indeed. It's all you can do really.

    The accountability thing is huge too!

  3. I'm so trying to finish my current wip and it's going slow due to many hiccups - but, but, but - it gives me time to think and I have some even greater ideas now. So maybe a little procrastination isn't such a bad thing.

  4. Thanks everyone! Yes - accountability, Jeff... mostly accountable to ourselves first!
