
21 September 2010

Cockroach brains...

Cockroaches may be in your future in more ways than their usual icky-yucky-crawly ways. Science News reports that ground-up "brain and other nerve tissues" from cockroaches was found to kill more than a few types of bad bacteria (like a type of E. coli, a meningitis strain and a staph strain.) Of course, this means they are looking at what the substances are, how much will be needed, etc. so they can figure out how to help people with infections.

Figuring that roaches live and thrive in some of the grossest conditions known to man or beast - is it any wonder that science would eventually get around to finding out how they do this?

And... of course, no discussion of brains, especially in this context, could stop me from thinking about this...
which - be warned - may be a PG13 youtube clip


  1. Whoa. Gross. But I guess this is a terrific discovery to save lives. But still. Ewwwww.

  2. I'm a scientist and it always fascinates me how people come up with their research ideas. I mean, was someone sitting in a less than clean research lab and watching cockroaches chase each other around the edges? And who in that scenario thinks "Oh, I should try grinding up their brains"?

  3. Just let me die, okay?

    "Serious infection? Lets rub roach brains on it!" thanks. I'm good.

  4. Hmm. E coli or injection of ground up cockroach? I am torn. I guess as long as it doesn't end up turning me into Roachman I'm ok with it.

  5. Ha, Sierra! I so understand what you're saying - I was thinking that very thing. Who gets these ideas? Wow!

    And, yeah... my main reaction is "ewwww!"

    Jeff, I dunno - maybe someone should check with Kafka first?
