
21 June 2010

Winners and New Books and Clubs, Oh My!

Did you guess the clues last week? If you followed the yellow brick road to each of the hidden clues, you'll probably have noticed a pattern...

Piece that together, and what do you got? AMONG THE HIDDEN by Margaret Peterson Haddix. This series of books stars LUKE, a boy who should never have been born. In his world, there is strict population control, and parents can only have a certain number of children. Luke is extra--and therefore his parents must hide him so the government doesn't take him away. When he finds another extra, though, things start to change...

AMONG THE HIDDEN is a super popular dystopian series that comprises 7 books total...and of all the people who entered the contest, 19 correctly guessed the titles of the series and is therefore the winner of ALL SEVEN BOOKS in the series!

...but to just draw out the anticipation a tad more, I'm happy to announce that AMONG THE HIDDEN is going to be our first book club selection! On July 19th, we're going to spend a week discussing what makes AMONG THE HIDDEN such a great dystopian title, and we hope that you're all ready to jump into the conversation with us!

And if you're PETRA, then you get the entire series for free--so start reading!

Everyone else--go to your libraries, your bookstores, or your own shelves and check out AMONG THE HIDDEN before July 19th!


  1. Congrats to Petra!! I've read two books in the series. Loved them!!

  2. Congrats Petra! This is a great series, you're going to love it! I've read and reviewed the first one, and my boys have read all seven. :)

  3. I have the first three books. I will have to start reading them soon.

  4. Congrats to Petra!

    I have the entire series in my class. I've got multiple copies of the first few, but they keep disappearing! They're going to good homes, but I keep having to buy replacements!

  5. Congrats Petra! Looking forward to the book discussion.
