
13 May 2010

Welcome Book Bloggers and Dystopia Fans!

First of all: thank you! We've decided to open the League blog up a little early to book bloggers and dystopian fans that we knew liked the genre...and that we're fans of ourselves.

Please feel free to look around the site. We'll obviously be growing it as we go, but one thing we'll definitely be adding before the debut on Monday is a contest featuring books signed by authors and other swag.

We'd love it if you share this blog with other readers and writers--but please wait until our official launch on Monday, May 17th.

We plan on blogging one day a week, with each of us featuring on a different day. A fifth member has already been selected and we'll be adding her as soon as we can.

We plan on blogging about dystopian genre, including both our debut works and other works. We've already got contests, reviews, interviews, and other features lined up and ready for you!

Thank you again for your devotion to the genre, and we hope you like the site!


  1. squee!! I'm in love with this site already.

  2. The blog looks great Beth, Julia, Angie, Jeff, and #5!!! I'm really looking forward to your posts (and books!).

    : )

  3. Very exciting! I love this new blog!

  4. Oh this is so great! I am in love with dystopian novels at the moment. Such a great genre. I can't wait to read more from you guys.

    Pam @
