
10 March 2010

Bio: League Member Jeff Hirsch

Title: The Eleventh Plague

Short Plot: The Eleventh Plague follows fifteen-year-old scavenger Stephen Quinn and his father twenty years after The Collapse, when America was wiped away by a nearly apocalyptic war with China.  When their decision to risk it all to save the lives of two strangers leaves his Dad dreadfully injured, Stephen must lead them to safety in a lost remnant of the Pre-Collapse world.There, Stephen falls in with Jenny Tan, the wild child town outcast, bringing him into violent conflict with a group that is determined to remake the world that was, no matter the cost.

Favorite Dystopian Works: How I Live Now - Meg Rossoff, The Stand - Stephen King, The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins, Feed - MT Anderson, The Road - Cormac McCarthy, Y the Last Man - Bryan K. Vaughn

Why write dystopian? I started writing The Long Walk Home because I thought a world that was poised to maybe, or maybe not, come back from an apocalypse could make a good metaphor for growing up. The war throws the world into a kind of second infancy and it has to decide if it will grow up out of that infancy and, if it does,  what sort of world it might become. That, and it seemed like a really cool backdrop for explosions and stuff.

Whimper or Bang? A sigh.
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