
08 March 2010

Bio: League Member Angie Smibert

Name: Angie Smibert

Title: Memento Nora (Marshall Cavendish, Spring 2011)

Short Plot: Memento Nora is about a teenage girl’s struggle to hold on to her memories—and her identity—in a world that finds it far more lucrative for everyone to forget—and keep on shopping.

Favorite YA/MG Dystopian Works: The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, The Ember series by Jeanne DuPrau, Feed by MT Anderson, The Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld.

Why write dystopian? Why not? Seriously, though, I didn't start off writing Memento Nora (or any other story) because I wanted it to be dystopian. Nora's world was a logical extension of the what-if questions I asked myself as I wrote. For instance, in what kind of world would average people want to erase bad memories as often we have a grande skinny dolce latte? The answer, unfortunately, was a world not too far removed from our own.

Whimper or Bang? Whimper. Like the folks in On the Beach, we'll hold onto life as long as we possibly can--even longer.

Online @
Twitter: @amsmibert